
It's now possible to import photographs into Mathematica and import the EXIF data at the same time:

i = Import["ExampleData/coneflower.jpg", "ImageWithExif"]


You can now look at all the metadata:

Options[i, MetaInformation]

{MetaInformation -> {"Exif" -> {"ImageDescription" -> " ", "Make" -> "NIKON", "Model" -> "E950", "Orientation" -> 1, "XResolution" -> 300, "YResolution" -> 300, "ResolutionUnit" -> 2, "Software" -> "Adobe Photoshop CS3 Macintosh", "DateTime" -> "2008:08:19 11:29:05", etc...

So how would I extract - say - the exposure time ("ExposureTime")? I was trying something like this:

"ExposureTime" /. Options[i, MetaInformation] ...

but I don't know enough about the structure of the stored metainformation. Can you do this without knowing that structure?


4 Answers 4


Does this do want you want?

Cases[Options[i, MetaInformation], 
 HoldPattern["ExposureTime" -> ___], Infinity]

or even simpler because it is Rules all the way down:

Cases[Options[i], HoldPattern["ExposureTime" -> ___], Infinity]
{"ExposureTime" -> 1/65}


With[{wanted = "ExposureTime"}, 
  wanted /. Cases[Options[i], HoldPattern[wanted -> ___], Infinity]] //
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, yes, that seems to work... So N[Last[Last[ Cases[Options[f], HoldPattern["ExposureTime" -> ___], Infinity]]]] is what I need?! Looks a tad clunky... $\endgroup$
    – cormullion
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 15:22
  • $\begingroup$ @cormullion I´d go for a something like With[{wanted = "ExposureTime"}, wanted /. Cases[Options[i], HoldPattern[wanted -> ___], Infinity] ] // N $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 15:39
  • $\begingroup$ @cormullion but yes, there ought to be something cleaner - let´s wait for better approaches $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 15:48

Here is something based on FilterRules and using your post of Exif metadata format.


FilterRules["Exif" /. (MetaInformation /. Options[i, MetaInformation]), "XResolution"]

{"XResolution" -> 300}

There may be more elegant ways to extract the rules which form part of MetaInformation, I await them with interest.

This unpacks nested sets of rules:

FilterRules[ Options[i, MetaInformation] //. {_ -> z_} -> z, "XResolution"]

{"XResolution" -> 300}


Here is an interesting alternative which does require some knowledge of the structure of the MetaInformation but is otherwise nicely concise.

OptionValue[Options[i, MetaInformation], MetaInformation -> "Exif" -> "XResolution"]


  • $\begingroup$ +1 ...but you need more information on the structure of MetaInformation... $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 16:24
  • $\begingroup$ @YvesKlett Fair point :) I've had a go at finding so something less dependent on the form of MetaInformation. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 16:41
  • $\begingroup$ Uhhh... wicked ;-) $\endgroup$
    – Yves Klett
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 17:28
  • $\begingroup$ Excellent - getting concise-r, but still it's not as slick as I would have expected from Mathematica... :) $\endgroup$
    – cormullion
    Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 19:19
  • $\begingroup$ @cormullion Yes, I get what you are saying :) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 5, 2012 at 21:59

The earlier answers stopped working for Mathematica 11+. In Mathematica 10 and earlier, the MetaInformation was a nested list of rules:

i = Import["ExampleData/coneflower.jpg","ImageWithExif"];
Options[i, MetaInformation] //Short


{MetaInformation->{Exif->{ImageDescription-> ,<<37>>,SceneType->1}}}

In Mathematica 11+, the MetaInformation is now an Association. This means that the previous approaches no longer work:

	i = Import["ExampleData/coneflower.jpg","ImageWithExif"];
	Quiet @ Check[
		OptionValue[Options[i], MetaInformation -> "Exif" -> "ExposureTime"],

Cases[Options[i], HoldPattern["ExposureTime" -> ___], Infinity]




Instead, you will need to extract information from an association. If you don't know the structure of the association you can use Keys to investigate:

meta = OptionValue[Options[i], MetaInformation];
meta //Keys



meta["Exif"] //Keys

{"Make", "Model", "Orientation", "XResolution", "YResolution", "ResolutionUnit", "Software", "DateTime", "YCbCrPositioning", "ExposureTime", "FNumber", "ExposureProgram", "ISOSpeedRatings", "ExifVersion", "DateTimeOriginal", "DateTimeDigitized", "ComponentsConfiguration", "CompressedBitsPerPixel", "ExposureBiasValue", "MaxApertureValue", "MeteringMode", "LightSource", "FlashInfo", "FocalLength", "FlashpixVersion", "ColorSpace", "PixelXDimension", "PixelYDimension", "InteroperabilityIndex", "InteroperabilityVersion", "FileSource", "SceneType"}

Now we see "ExposureTime". So:

meta["Exif", "ExposureTime"]

Quantity[1/65, "Seconds"]


Just a note that Mathematica has since made the importing of Exif metadata easier:

Import["ExampleData/coneflower.jpg", "ExposureTime"]


(This displays nicely as 1/65 s in the front-end.)

This is a bit confusing because "ExposureTime" isn't listed in the list of possible things to import:


{BitDepth, CameraTopOrientation, Channels, ColorMap, ColorProfileData, ColorSpace, Data, DateTime, Exif, FlashUsed, GeoPosition, GPSDateTime, Graphics, Image, ImageSize, IPTC, RawData, RawExif, RawIPTC, RawXMP, RedEyeCorrection, Summary, Thumbnail, XMP}

However, in the docs for JPEG, under "Scope", it says that any Exif tags can be directly imported.


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