I would like to generate a plot of a map of the world:
- for A0 (1189mm × 841mm) one needs 3370 × 2384 points for 72ppi
- it should range from south - north: {-90, +90}; east - west {-185, +185}
- thick black country borders
- main cities (capitals and big cities) with dots and names
- names of countries
Here is a first attempt overlaying a "StreetMap"
and a "ReliefMap"
. But in the final version, I don't want the streets. Just the cities and country borders with their names.
{{n, s}, {w, e}} = {{-90, 90}, {-185, 185}};
grm = GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["ReliefMap"],
Polygon[GeoPosition[{{n, w}, {n, e}, {s, e}, {s, w}}]]},
GeoRangePadding -> None];
gc = GeoGraphics[{GeoPosition[{{n, w}, {n, e}, {s, e}, {s, w}}]},
GeoRangePadding -> None,
GeoZoomLevel -> 3];
Show[gc, {Opacity[0.3], grm}];
The last line results in an error. But I don't know where to put the Opacity
information. And then I'm not sure how to Export
with ImageSize
and ImageResolution
. And what would be better: pdf or png?