I am trying to replicate LensToy using Mathematica, which is a web-based gravitational lensing simulator. I am having issues with Manipulate
, especially with its performance. I am guessing it is because I am calling a function with a Do
loop, called getSkyData
, within a Manipulate
. If only called once, getSkyData
will take 0.45 seconds to run. ParallelDo
takes 5 seconds!?! Why such a simple operation (i.e. $440 \times 440 \times 3$ variable assignments) takes such a long time? Is it because Mathematica is not meant for doing big loops and I should use other techniques? Then, how can I optimize getSkyData
? How can I properly call getSkyData
within a Manipulate
Details (if interested!)
The following is the piece of code relevant to this question. At the end, you can find the entire code. If you change False
to True
, the code will run the Manipulate
and your Mathematica notebook might freeze.
If the code is too complicated, let me know and I will remove all the physics and make up a simpler problem.
fullMap =
Table[{{i, j}, lensMap[{i, j}, {0, 0}]}, {i, imax}, {j, jmax}];
getSkyData[srcCoord_] := Block[{skyData = foregroundData},
{{i, j}, {l, m}} = elem;
{l, m} = {l, m} - srcCoord;
If[0 < l < lmax && 0 < m < mmax,
skyData[[i, j]] += 2 sourceData[[l, m]]],
{elem, Flatten[fullMap, 1]}];
Manipulate[Graphics[Raster[getSkyData[coord]]] // Dynamic,
{{coord, lensCoord, "Source Coord"}, {1, 1}, {imax, jmax}, Locator,
Appearance -> Style["+", FontSize -> 50, White]}],
Graphics[Raster[getSkyData[lensCoord]]] // AbsoluteTiming
finds the associated background pixel.
takes the coordinate of the corner of the background source/galaxy image. Then it goes through all the sky pixels (i.e. the larger image that you will see, i.e. the end result). If the pixel in hand maps to a background pixel (i.e. one of the $16 \times 16 \times 3$ of the background image), it will add it to the foreground pixel in question. This if statement is for optimization purposes.
The entire code
img0 = Import["http://slowe.github.io/LensToy/SW_field_440x440.png"];
foreground = ImageTrim[img0, {{0 + 1, 0 + 1}, {440 - 1, 440 - 1}}] ;
sourceCoord = {28, 231};
sourceBoxSize = 7;
source = ImageTrim[
img0, {sourceCoord - sourceBoxSize {1, 1},
sourceCoord + sourceBoxSize {1, 1}}];
foregroundData = ImageData[foreground];
sourceData = ImageData[source];
{imax, jmax} = foreground // ImageDimensions;
{lmax, mmax} = source // ImageDimensions;
lensCoord = {259, 281};
arcsec = UnitConvert[Quantity[1, "ArcSeconds"], "Radians"][[1]] // N;
pixel = 1;
resolution = 0.1 arcsec/pixel;
pix2Sky[{i_, j_}] := {(i - 1), (j - 1)} resolution
src2Pix[rSrc_] := Floor[rSrc/resolution] + {1, 1}
lensCenterSky = pix2Sky[lensCoord];
sky2Lens[rSky_] :=
Block[{r = rSky - lensCenterSky}, {Norm[r],
If[r != {0, 0}, ArcTan[##] & @@ r, {0., 0.}]}]
lens2Sky[rLns_] := {rLns[[1]] Cos[rLns[[2]]],
rLns[[1]] Sin[rLns[[2]]]} + lensCenterSky
thetaE = 3 arcsec;
lensEquation[rLns_, thetaE_] :=
Block[{theta = rLns[[1]],
phi = rLns[[2]]}, {If[theta != 0, theta - thetaE^2/theta, 0], phi}]
lensMap[{i_, j_}, src0SkyPix_] := Block[{},
rSky = pix2Sky[{i, j}];
rLns = sky2Lens[rSky];
rSrc = (lensEquation[rLns, thetaE] // lens2Sky) -
(* vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv *)
fullMap =
Table[{{i, j}, lensMap[{i, j}, {0, 0}]}, {i, imax}, {j, jmax}];
getSkyData[srcCoord_] := Block[{skyData = foregroundData},
{{i, j}, {l, m}} = elem;
{l, m} = {l, m} - srcCoord;
If[0 < l < lmax && 0 < m < mmax,
skyData[[i, j]] += 2 sourceData[[l, m]]],
{elem, Flatten[fullMap, 1]}];
Manipulate[Graphics[Raster[getSkyData[coord]]] // Dynamic,
{{coord, lensCoord, "Source Coord"}, {1, 1}, {imax, jmax}, Locator,
Appearance -> Style["+", FontSize -> 50, White]}],
Graphics[Raster[getSkyData[lensCoord]]] // AbsoluteTiming