I want to try Advanced Activations Layers in Mathematica
,but not found.
So I try to use ElementwiseLayer
to implement it.
Thank you @nikie,LeakyReLU
can be written like this.
: ElementwiseLayer[Ramp[#] - Ramp[-#]*0.3 &]
: ElementwiseLayer[Ramp[#] - Ramp[-#]/#*(Exp[#] - 1) &]
: ElementwiseLayer[Ramp[# - 1]/(# - 1)*Ramp[#] &]
has a learned parameter alpha
,but I don't know how to train the net ...
graph = NetGraph[{ConstantArrayLayer["Array" -> ConstantArray[0.3, 5]], ThreadingLayer[Ramp[#] - Ramp[-#]*#2 &]}, {{NetPort["Input"], 1} -> 2}]
graph[{-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1}](*{-0.3, -0.15, 0., 0.5, 1.}*)
Is there any more simple method to make Advanced Activations Layers?
Application: this post used leayReLU[alpha_] := ElementwiseLayer[Ramp[#] - alpha*Ramp[-#] &]
seems to be the problem. You can try withFunction
directly:g = Function[x, Piecewise[{{0.3*x, x < 0}, {x, x > 0}}], Listable]
, I think you need to useConstantArrayLayer
for learned constants, and (I guess)ThreadingLayer
to combine input from the constant and the "data" input layers $\endgroup$