Furthermore, PDF is not necessarily vector graphics.
PostScript Language Reference, third edition, 288 ff. states "[a] sampled image (or just “image” for short) is a rectangular
array of sample values, each representing a color." This not vectors.
JPG does not preserve transparency and is lossful.
PNG does preserve transparency and is lossless. Furthermore, Mathematica's PNG export can preserve transpareny with an option on the export.
Although, GIF does preserve transparency, the various shades of transparency take up colors in its color table. Furthermore, Mathematica's GIF export does not support transparency.
Please, see: TransparentHow to make Mathematica graphs in Microsoft Word independent from Mathematica?
If the purpose is to export a Graphics (or Graphics3D) as an image with a transparent background, then, please, see:
g = PolarPlot[Cos[a], {a, 0, 2*Pi}, Background -> None]
Export["temp.png", Evaluate[g], Background -> None]
png = Import["temp.png"]
Take[SortBy[Tally[Flatten[ImageData[png], 1]], -#1[[2]] & ], 3]
Export["temp.svg", g]
Otherwise, get the InputForm of the graphic and extract the paths from it.
If the objective is to export the graphic in Mathematica form for reinport, use "MX" format, in the case of files, file.mx is adequate.
Lastly, Export["temp.svg", g] and extract the paths from the text file.
The SVG file is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<svg width="480pt" height="460pt" viewBox="0 0 480 460" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g id="#5879a9e3">
<path fill="#5879a9" stroke="#5879a9" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.89" d=" M 29.99 1.03 L 30.86 1.08 C 30.97 3.97 31.08 6.86 31.21 9.75 C 31.74 9.74 32.79 9.71 33.31 9.69 C 32.19 11.62 30.88 13.60 30.89 15.93 C 30.62 21.19 31.01 26.47 31.18 31.73 C 31.70 31.72 32.75 31.71 33.27 31.70 C 32.18 33.64 30.91 35.62 30.90 37.93 C 30.63 43.18 31.01 48.43 31.10 53.68 C 32.85 53.99 34.60 54.30 36.35 54.63 C 34.57 54.84 32.78 55.05 31.00 55.25 C 31.03 60.52 30.66 65.80 30.91 71.07 C 30.91 73.37 32.18 75.35 33.27 77.28 C 32.75 77.28 31.70 77.28 31.18 77.28 C 31.01 82.54 30.62 87.81 30.89 93.07 C 30.88 95.40 32.19 97.38 33.31 99.31 C 32.78 99.29 31.71 99.26 31.17 99.25 C 30.81 106.07 30.81 112.90 31.16 119.72 C 31.72 119.70 32.83 119.67 33.39 119.65 C 32.40 121.34 31.09 122.99 30.99 125.03 C 30.57 130.57 31.01 136.13 31.10 141.68 C 32.85 141.98 34.60 142.29 36.35 142.62 C 34.56 142.84 32.77 143.05 30.99 143.25 C 30.89 150.08 30.83 156.92 31.17 163.74 C 31.70 163.73 32.76 163.71 33.29 163.70 C 32.18 165.63 30.89 167.61 30.90 169.93 C 30.65 175.32 31.02 180.71 31.08 186.10 C 32.23 185.96 33.38 185.83 34.53 185.70 C 37.73 167.97 43.85 150.88 51.52 134.62 C 70.85 94.15 102.89 59.88 142.01 37.93 C 161.47 26.63 182.89 19.03 204.79 14.06 C 214.07 12.12 223.49 10.98 232.90 9.93 C 247.57 8.64 262.37 9.08 276.99 10.84 C 286.66 11.83 296.23 13.64 305.60 16.23 C 343.78 25.88 379.24 46.07 406.98 74.02 C 440.49 107.10 462.63 151.37 469.35 197.95 C 471.20 208.53 471.72 219.26 471.91 229.98 C 474.60 230.01 477.30 230.04 480.00 230.07 L 480.00 230.93 C 477.31 230.96 474.62 230.98 471.94 231.01 C 471.40 244.48 470.78 258.02 468.02 271.26 C 465.25 286.46 460.50 301.23 454.70 315.53 C 448.50 329.50 441.58 343.23 432.71 355.70 C 406.76 393.64 368.55 422.97 325.25 438.34 C 309.42 443.73 293.16 448.23 276.46 449.74 C 228.89 455.50 179.60 444.98 138.36 420.64 C 115.28 406.92 94.61 389.10 77.95 368.00 C 61.90 348.02 49.65 325.07 41.29 300.87 C 38.31 292.43 36.52 283.64 34.10 275.04 C 33.33 275.02 31.81 274.96 31.04 274.94 C 31.03 280.31 30.65 285.69 30.90 291.07 C 30.89 293.39 32.18 295.37 33.29 297.30 C 32.76 297.29 31.70 297.27 31.17 297.27 C 30.83 304.12 30.86 310.99 31.05 317.85 C 32.67 317.92 34.29 318.00 35.91 318.07 L 35.90 318.93 C 34.29 319.00 32.67 319.07 31.05 319.15 C 31.02 324.45 30.64 329.76 30.91 335.07 C 30.91 337.37 32.18 339.35 33.27 341.29 C 32.75 341.29 31.70 341.28 31.17 341.27 C 30.81 348.09 30.81 354.93 31.17 361.75 C 31.70 361.74 32.78 361.70 33.31 361.69 C 29.75 366.41 30.88 372.59 30.84 378.10 C 30.76 380.73 31.94 383.10 33.26 385.29 C 32.74 385.28 31.69 385.28 31.17 385.28 C 30.82 392.13 30.85 399.00 31.05 405.86 C 32.67 405.92 34.29 406.00 35.91 406.08 L 35.92 406.93 C 34.29 407.00 32.67 407.07 31.04 407.15 C 30.86 414.01 30.82 420.88 31.17 427.74 C 31.70 427.73 32.77 427.71 33.30 427.70 C 31.93 429.87 30.73 432.25 30.84 434.90 C 30.88 440.40 29.77 446.57 33.29 451.31 C 32.78 451.29 31.76 451.27 31.25 451.26 C 31.11 453.79 30.97 456.33 30.84 458.87 L 29.99 458.97 C 30.12 388.31 29.96 317.66 30.08 247.00 C 30.08 241.71 29.90 236.42 29.74 231.14 C 27.20 231.07 24.66 231.00 22.11 230.94 L 22.10 230.06 C 24.64 229.99 27.19 229.93 29.73 229.87 C 29.88 224.58 30.07 219.29 30.08 214.00 C 29.96 143.01 30.12 72.02 29.99 1.03 M 154.90 33.75 C 105.11 57.58 65.41 101.37 46.08 153.03 C 40.11 169.27 35.44 186.10 33.62 203.35 C 32.83 212.22 32.12 221.10 31.91 230.01 C 38.52 230.10 45.14 230.07 51.75 230.00 C 51.88 229.19 52.16 227.57 52.30 226.76 C 52.65 227.80 53.00 228.85 53.34 229.91 C 60.11 230.14 66.89 230.14 73.66 229.91 C 74.00 228.86 74.35 227.80 74.69 226.75 C 74.83 227.56 75.11 229.19 75.25 230.00 C 82.08 230.09 88.91 230.09 95.75 230.00 C 95.89 229.19 96.17 227.57 96.31 226.75 C 96.65 227.80 97.00 228.86 97.35 229.91 C 104.21 230.14 111.07 230.09 117.93 229.98 C 117.98 228.34 118.02 226.71 118.07 225.08 L 118.94 225.04 C 118.98 226.68 119.02 228.34 119.06 229.99 C 125.95 230.10 132.85 230.08 139.74 230.00 C 139.88 229.19 140.16 227.57 140.30 226.76 C 140.65 227.81 141.00 228.86 141.35 229.91 C 148.11 230.14 154.89 230.14 161.65 229.91 C 162.00 228.86 162.35 227.81 162.70 226.76 C 162.84 227.57 163.12 229.19 163.26 230.00 C 170.08 230.09 176.92 230.09 183.75 230.00 C 183.88 229.19 184.16 227.56 184.30 226.75 C 184.65 227.80 185.00 228.86 185.35 229.92 C 192.21 230.13 199.07 230.10 205.94 229.99 C 205.98 228.34 206.02 226.69 206.06 225.05 L 206.93 225.06 C 206.97 226.70 207.02 228.34 207.06 229.98 C 213.96 230.11 220.85 230.07 227.74 230.00 C 227.88 229.19 228.16 227.56 228.30 226.75 C 228.65 227.80 228.99 228.86 229.34 229.91 C 236.11 230.14 242.88 230.14 249.66 229.91 C 250.00 228.86 250.34 227.80 250.70 226.76 C 250.84 227.57 251.12 229.19 251.26 230.00 C 258.09 230.09 264.91 230.09 271.74 230.00 C 271.88 229.19 272.16 227.57 272.30 226.76 C 272.65 227.81 272.99 228.86 273.34 229.91 C 280.21 230.14 287.07 230.09 293.94 229.99 C 293.98 228.33 294.02 226.68 294.06 225.03 L 294.93 225.07 C 294.97 226.71 295.02 228.34 295.07 229.99 C 301.96 230.11 308.85 230.07 315.74 230.00 C 315.88 229.19 316.16 227.57 316.30 226.76 C 316.65 227.81 316.99 228.85 317.34 229.91 C 324.11 230.14 330.89 230.14 337.66 229.91 C 338.00 228.85 338.34 227.80 338.69 226.75 C 338.83 227.57 339.12 229.19 339.26 230.00 C 346.08 230.09 352.92 230.09 359.75 230.00 C 359.88 229.18 360.16 227.55 360.29 226.73 C 360.64 227.79 360.99 228.86 361.35 229.93 C 368.21 230.12 375.07 230.10 381.94 229.98 C 381.98 228.34 382.02 226.70 382.07 225.06 L 382.94 225.05 C 382.98 226.69 383.02 228.34 383.07 229.99 C 389.96 230.11 396.85 230.08 403.74 230.00 C 403.88 229.19 404.17 227.57 404.31 226.76 C 404.65 227.81 405.00 228.86 405.35 229.92 C 412.14 230.15 418.94 230.08 425.74 230.00 C 425.88 229.19 426.16 227.56 426.30 226.75 C 426.64 227.80 426.99 228.86 427.34 229.92 C 434.11 230.14 440.89 230.14 447.66 229.91 C 448.00 228.86 448.34 227.81 448.69 226.76 C 448.83 227.57 449.12 229.19 449.26 230.00 C 455.94 230.08 462.63 230.09 469.32 230.00 C 469.85 213.73 467.71 197.49 464.20 181.64 C 460.49 166.37 455.65 151.32 448.77 137.18 C 444.72 129.04 440.70 120.85 435.68 113.26 C 429.51 103.94 423.12 94.72 415.59 86.44 C 387.58 54.28 349.97 30.60 308.86 19.28 C 282.43 11.81 254.59 10.10 227.31 12.63 C 202.24 15.59 177.47 22.34 154.90 33.75 M 30.94 186.94 C 30.81 193.36 30.93 199.79 31.47 206.19 C 31.77 199.79 32.68 193.43 34.06 187.17 C 33.28 187.11 31.72 187.00 30.94 186.94 M 31.96 230.98 C 32.01 238.44 32.17 245.92 33.26 253.32 C 36.38 285.66 47.40 317.07 64.32 344.76 C 83.72 376.16 111.00 402.80 143.30 420.76 C 153.72 427.30 165.23 431.78 176.67 436.17 C 199.86 444.35 224.37 449.15 249.00 449.05 C 265.08 449.22 281.23 447.84 296.90 444.13 C 344.18 434.15 387.76 407.73 418.62 370.57 C 436.48 349.20 450.41 324.49 458.85 297.92 C 465.81 276.36 469.78 253.69 469.32 231.00 C 323.53 230.92 177.75 230.94 31.96 230.98 M 30.98 274.02 C 31.74 274.02 33.24 274.02 33.99 274.02 C 32.63 267.37 31.71 260.62 31.50 253.83 C 30.93 260.54 30.80 267.28 30.98 274.02 Z" />
<g id="#000000d3">
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<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 19.41 138.31 C 21.39 137.63 24.46 135.71 25.77 138.40 C 26.48 141.39 23.68 143.53 22.13 145.72 C 23.57 146.07 25.00 146.44 26.43 146.82 C 23.27 146.95 20.11 147.00 16.95 147.07 C 18.80 145.92 20.76 144.89 22.30 143.32 C 23.43 141.89 23.83 140.05 24.50 138.39 C 22.80 138.37 21.11 138.35 19.41 138.31 Z" />
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<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 198.92 236.03 C 200.31 236.03 201.70 236.03 203.10 236.03 C 203.99 239.45 203.94 243.01 202.94 246.41 C 201.54 246.04 200.12 245.70 198.77 245.18 C 197.25 242.33 198.53 239.02 198.92 236.03 M 199.92 237.79 C 199.92 239.93 199.93 242.07 199.93 244.21 C 200.47 244.21 201.54 244.21 202.07 244.22 C 202.07 242.07 202.07 239.93 202.07 237.79 C 201.53 237.79 200.46 237.79 199.92 237.79 Z" />
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<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 286.92 236.03 C 288.31 236.03 289.70 236.03 291.10 236.03 C 291.99 239.45 291.94 243.01 290.93 246.42 C 289.53 246.04 288.13 245.70 286.78 245.18 C 285.25 242.33 286.53 239.01 286.92 236.03 M 287.92 237.78 C 287.92 239.92 287.92 242.07 287.93 244.22 C 288.47 244.22 289.54 244.21 290.08 244.21 C 290.07 242.07 290.07 239.93 290.07 237.79 C 289.54 237.79 288.46 237.78 287.92 237.78 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 299.35 236.02 C 300.74 236.11 302.09 236.50 303.45 236.84 C 301.86 237.28 300.27 237.69 298.70 238.19 C 300.52 239.94 302.52 241.50 304.48 243.10 C 302.73 244.85 300.57 246.05 298.10 246.39 C 297.36 243.01 295.79 238.41 299.35 236.02 M 299.34 240.46 C 299.29 242.17 299.28 243.88 299.29 245.59 C 300.15 244.60 301.91 243.98 301.68 242.41 C 300.92 241.73 300.14 241.08 299.34 240.46 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 374.86 235.87 C 376.25 235.95 377.63 236.04 379.03 236.13 C 379.77 239.34 379.78 242.65 379.03 245.87 C 377.64 245.95 376.25 246.05 374.86 246.14 C 373.91 242.77 373.89 239.24 374.86 235.87 M 376.16 236.42 C 375.86 239.47 375.86 242.53 376.16 245.58 C 377.01 244.15 378.35 242.80 378.18 241.00 C 378.35 239.20 377.01 237.85 376.16 236.42 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 385.67 235.92 C 387.32 236.03 388.97 236.16 390.63 236.30 C 390.75 237.52 390.87 238.75 391.00 239.98 C 390.55 240.05 389.65 240.19 389.20 240.26 C 389.08 239.34 388.83 237.49 388.71 236.57 C 387.77 237.84 386.82 239.11 385.88 240.38 C 385.79 238.89 385.72 237.40 385.67 235.92 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 463.23 238.10 C 464.35 237.33 465.48 236.56 466.62 235.81 C 466.85 239.39 467.08 243.07 465.79 246.50 C 465.20 243.63 464.53 240.75 463.23 238.10 Z" />
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<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 389.69 240.55 C 390.57 241.41 391.44 242.27 392.33 243.13 C 391.19 244.07 390.26 245.40 388.82 245.91 C 387.50 245.78 386.20 245.45 384.92 245.16 C 385.23 244.15 385.55 243.14 385.88 242.13 C 386.84 243.20 387.81 244.28 388.83 245.31 C 389.17 243.73 389.43 242.14 389.69 240.55 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 118.25 245.09 L 118.97 244.68 L 119.68 245.09 L 119.68 245.91 L 118.96 246.33 L 118.25 245.91 L 118.25 245.09 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 206.25 245.09 L 206.97 244.68 L 207.68 245.09 L 207.68 245.92 L 206.96 246.33 L 206.25 245.91 L 206.25 245.09 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 294.25 245.09 L 294.96 244.68 L 295.68 245.08 L 295.68 245.91 L 294.97 246.32 L 294.25 245.92 L 294.25 245.09 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 382.25 245.08 L 382.97 244.67 L 383.68 245.09 L 383.68 245.91 L 382.96 246.32 L 382.25 245.91 L 382.25 245.08 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 9.15 313.09 C 10.46 313.06 11.76 313.03 13.07 313.01 C 14.02 316.45 13.96 320.03 12.87 323.43 C 9.14 321.55 5.29 319.74 1.03 319.67 L 1.03 319.04 C 3.27 318.98 5.51 318.92 7.75 318.86 C 8.21 316.93 8.68 315.01 9.15 313.09 M 9.93 314.78 C 9.93 316.92 9.93 319.07 9.93 321.22 C 10.46 321.22 11.54 321.21 12.08 321.21 C 12.08 319.07 12.08 316.93 12.07 314.79 C 11.54 314.79 10.47 314.79 9.93 314.78 Z" />
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<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 16.25 322.09 L 16.96 321.67 L 17.68 322.09 L 17.68 322.91 L 16.96 323.32 L 16.25 322.91 L 16.25 322.09 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 9.15 401.09 C 10.45 401.06 11.76 401.03 13.07 401.01 C 14.02 404.44 13.96 408.03 12.87 411.43 C 9.14 409.55 5.29 407.73 1.02 407.67 L 1.04 407.05 C 3.28 406.98 5.52 406.93 7.75 406.86 C 8.21 404.93 8.68 403.01 9.15 401.09 M 9.93 402.79 C 9.92 404.92 9.92 407.06 9.92 409.20 C 10.46 409.21 11.53 409.21 12.07 409.22 C 12.07 407.07 12.07 404.93 12.07 402.79 C 11.54 402.79 10.46 402.79 9.93 402.79 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 19.65 407.01 C 20.87 404.76 22.25 402.59 23.84 400.58 C 24.41 403.99 24.63 407.45 24.46 410.91 C 22.59 409.97 20.72 409.04 18.85 408.10 C 20.12 407.88 21.38 407.67 22.65 407.47 C 22.81 406.39 22.97 405.31 23.13 404.24 C 21.98 405.17 20.82 406.10 19.65 407.01 Z" />
<path fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.09375" opacity="0.83" d=" M 16.25 410.09 L 16.96 409.68 L 17.68 410.09 L 17.68 410.91 L 16.97 411.33 L 16.25 410.92 L 16.25 410.09 Z" />
Of course, I may have missed something.
. But for"EPS"
it kills the system taking all available physical memory (more than 6 GB before I killed Mathematica.exe)... $\endgroup$