This is a follow-up to my (solved) question How to distribute a generic function of two arguments (without evaluating the arguments)
Say, I have a binary function
f[x : a_List, y : b_List] := g[a, b]
Now if
I want do distribute f[u,v+w]
prior to evaluating v+w
which works fine with the solution proposed by Mr. Wizard to my previous question
(** g({u1,u2},{v1,v2})+g({u1,u2},{w1,w2}) **)
But now what if I do
expr = v + w;
and try to distribute f[u,expr]? I would like to get the same result as before, however this yields
(** g({u1,u2},{v1+w1,v2+w2}) **
as of course v+w
is evaluated when assigning to expr
. Now a SetDelayed approach expr := v+w
also doesn't help. I then thought of doing
expr = Hold[v+w];
Distribute[Unevaluated@ftest[u, ReleaseHold[expr]]]
(** g({u1,u2},{v1+w1,v2+w2}) **)
but this also gives the wrong (i.e. not the desired) result.
So, how do I do this?