I get a nice plot, but also a FindRoot::precw: error when I try to plot the results of a function that invokes FindRoot
. I assume the problem originates in how Plot
passes the arguments to the function. Here is a simple notebook that shows this behavior:
eqn = 5*x + 0.1000000000000000000000 + s == 0
(* 0.100000000000000000000 + s + 5 x == 0 *)
(* 21. *)
g[b_] :=
FindRoot[{eqn /. s -> b}, {{x, -13000}},
MaxIterations -> 1000, WorkingPrecision -> 20]
(* {x -> 0.18000000000000000000} *)
(* {x -> -20.020000000000000000} *)
Plot[x /. g[s], {s, -10, 10}, WorkingPrecision -> 20]
FindRoot::precw: The precision of the argument function ({-9.89959+5 x==0}) is less than WorkingPrecision (20.`). >>
I tried with and without the WorkingPrecision
option in the plot, and also by wrapping the ranges with a set precision like:
Plot[x/. g[s], {s, SetPrecision[-10, 20], SetPrecision[-10, 20}}]
which looks strange and does not work as well...
To be clear, the generated plot looks nice, but the errors are still annoying.
is testing the function by plugging in a machine precision value (like-9.99959142857143`
, but also the exact integer10
). $\endgroup$MachinePrecision
is considered less than any arbitrary precision byFindRoot
. You could useQuiet
to ignore the warning. (It's not an error.) Or you could useSetPrecision
, but I would be less happy with that in some situations. $\endgroup$Quiet
solution, even though I think it is somewhat inconvenient. But I'm relieved that I should not worry too much about this warning. $\endgroup$Quiet@Plot[..]
or evenQuiet[Plot[..], FindRoot::precw]
, which would let real numerical errors be reported. $\endgroup$