distr1 = CauchyDistribution[xc, S1/2];
PDF[distr1, x] // Simplify
(* (2*S1)/(Pi*(S1^2 + 4*(x - xc)^2)) *)
distr2 = CauchyDistribution[xc, S2/2];
PDF[distr2, x] // Simplify
(* (2*S2)/(Pi*(S2^2 + 4*(x - xc)^2)) *)
The constraints on the parameters are
assume = And[
DistributionParameterAssumptions[distr2]] // Simplify
(* xc ∈ Reals && S1 > 0 && S2 > 0 *)
The distribution of the sum of two Lorentzian variates is
distrSum = TransformedDistribution[l1 + l2,
{l1 \[Distributed] distr1, l2 \[Distributed] distr2}]
(* CauchyDistribution[2*xc, S1/2 + S2/2] *)
The maximum value is
max = Assuming[assume,
Maximize[PDF[distrSum, x], x] //
(* {2/(Pi*(S1 + S2)), {x -> 2*xc}} *)
Verifying that this where the derivative is zero
D[PDF[distrSum, x], x] /. max[[2]]
(* 0 *)
The full width half maximum is
fwhm = Assuming[assume,
Abs[Subtract @@ (x /.
Solve[PDF[distrSum, x] == max[[1]]/2, x, Reals] //
Simplify)] //
(* S1 + S2 *)
EDIT: The distribution of the weighted sum of two Lorentzian variates is
distrSum2 = Assuming[assume,
TransformedDistribution[a*l1 + b*l2,
{l1 \[Distributed] distr1, l2 \[Distributed] distr2}]]
(* CauchyDistribution[a xc + b xc, (a S1)/2 + (b S2)/2] *)
Assuming that the weights are positive
assume2 = assume && a > 0 && b > 0
(* xc ∈ Reals && S1 > 0 && S2 > 0 && a > 0 && b > 0 *)
The maximum value is
max2 = Assuming[assume2,
Maximize[PDF[distrSum2, x], x] //
(* {2/(a π S1 + b π S2), {x -> (a + b) xc}} *)
Verifying that this where the derivative is zero
D[PDF[distrSum2, x], x] /. max2[[2]] //
(* 0 *)
The full width half maximum is
fwhm2 = Assuming[assume2,
Abs[Subtract @@ (x /.
Solve[PDF[distrSum2, x] == max2[[1]]/2, x, Reals] //
Simplify)] // Simplify]
(* a S1 + b S2 *)