
Suppose I am given two positions, as well as b[0, 0] and b[0, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1]/Sqrt[2], where b is some undefined symbol, so that the expressions remain in an unevaluated form. I would like to create the following rule: whenever the argument of b in position 1 is 0 and the argument in position 2 is 0, replace this using the latter expression. For example, let's say the positions are just the first and second arguments, and I have several expressions of the form b[x,y,z]. Looking at what I am given, I can manually write down the rule like below.

rule=b[0, 0, x_] -> b[0, 1, x]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, x]/Sqrt[2]

Then I would have

b[0,0,0]/. rule
(*b[0, 1, 0]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, 0]/Sqrt[2]*)


(*b[0, 1, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, 1]/Sqrt[2]*)

Here's my attempt at creating the rule programmatically (I haven't gotten around to making this work for given positions yet, so assuming first and second argument).

rule=b[0, 0] -> b[0, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1]/Sqrt[2] /. 
b[x_, y_] -> b[x, y, Blank[]]

But this doesn't give me what I want, because the Blank[] is not named and I don't know how to make it named since it is in the r.h.s. of the rule.

b[0,0,0]/. rule
(*b[0, 1, _]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, _]/Sqrt[2]*)

Can anyone help?


2 Answers 2


If I understand correctly, what you need is to replace all of the occurrences of b[x, y] in a rule with b[x, y, z_] where x and y are constants and z is a pattern object to be matched. To start with, you need to use RuleDelayed (written as :>), then you use z_ on the right hand side, like this:

(b[0, 0] -> b[0, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1]/Sqrt[2]) /. b[x_, y_] :> b[x, y, z_]
(*b[0, 0, z_] -> b[0, 1, z_]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, z_]/Sqrt[2]*)

Though the output is still not quite right, as the output rule has z_ on the right hand side. So to fix this you need to match the pattern of the Rule, then modify the left and right separately, like this:

rule = (
  b[0, 0] -> b[0, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1]/Sqrt[2]
) /. {
  Rule[left_, right_] :> RuleDelayed[
    Append[left, z_], 
    Evaluate[right /. {b[x_, y_] :> b[x, y, z]}]
} /. z$->z
(*b[0, 0, z_] :> b[0, 1, z]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, z]/Sqrt[2]*)

To go through the elements:

  • The parenthesis at the start contain the rule you are modifying
  • Rule[left_, right_] matches to your rule
  • RuleDelayed makes a new rule (for the output)
  • Append[left, z_] adds the new pattern object z to the left hand side of the rule (using a ReplaceAll here does not substitute in the constants properly)
  • The Evaluate on the right hand side of the output replacement is because we are trying to output a RuleDelayed, meaning the right hand side will be left unevaluated by default.
  • /. z$->z at the end fixes an automatic substitution of z$ into your rule (to do with automatic scoping)

And to test:

b[0, 0, 1] /. rule
(*b[0, 1, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1, 1]/Sqrt[2]*)

Note that you will need to make sure you clear z before you use this rule otherwise its value will be substituted in.

It's not the neatest solution but it should reliably do what you need.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ +1, to avoid relying on z$ renaming you could go with something like Module[{h}, h[Append[left, z_], right /. {b[x_, y_] :> b[x, y, z]}] /. h -> RuleDelayed] $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Nov 15, 2016 at 12:47

Here's my swing at trying to solve this. First define this function:

ruleTransform[yourRule_] := 
    Append[#, x_] &,
  ] /. b[a1_, a2_] :> b[a1, a2, x]

Next, you throw in the rule you want to change:

ruleTransform[b[0, 0] -> b[0, 1]/Sqrt[2] + b[1, 1]/Sqrt[2]]

This should give you the rule you needed.


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