I try to calculate something like 1.569732312*Pi and by default mathematica returns something like 4.93146 (only 5 digits after floating point), but I believe there is much more digits, especially because Pi has infinite number of digits.
if I do like this
N[1.569732312*Pi, 50]
It still return the same 5 digits 4.93146
As I understand from documentation, I have to use Rationalize[]. If I do like this
N[Rationalize[1.569732312]*Pi, 50]
result is the same 4.93146
and only if I remove 3 digits like this
N[Rationalize[1.569732]*Pi, 50]
it gives me all digits like this
What I am doing wrong and how to calculate 1.569732312*Pi with 50 digits precision?
to learn whats happening there. $\endgroup$