This is an eigenvalue problem of sorts, with xg
the quantity to be determined. The strategy is to determine w
and w2
using DSolve
and all the boundary conditions except w2[xg] == d + e xg
, which is employed only at the end of the computation to determine xg
. To avoid loss-of-precision issues, all constants must be rationalized,
rules = Rationalize[{a -> 8.06*10^16, b -> 8.99*10^6, c -> 8.99*10^11,
d -> 500, e -> -.268, f -> 10074.4, g -> 10^-14}, 10^-5];
and even then none of the constants except x1
and x2
given their numerical values at first. Unfortunately, with all boundary conditions (except w2[xg] == d + e xg
) included, DSolve
crashes the kernel after running a long time. So, begin by solving
s1 = Collect[DSolve[{a*w''''[x] == -b + c (d - w[x] + e x),
a*w2''''[x] == -b + f (d - w2[x]), w[x1] == d - g + e x1,
w'[x1] == e, w2''[x2] == 0, w2'''[x2] == 0} /. {x1 -> 0, x2 -> 10000},
{w[x], w2[x]}, x] // Flatten, {C[1], C[2], C[5], C[6]}, Simplify];
which produces an expression a bit long to be reproduced here. Next, use the four remaining boundary conditions to determine the four constants of integration, {C[1], C[2], C[5], C[6]}
s2 = Solve[Collect[D[(w[x] == w2[x]) /. s1, {x, #}] /. x -> xg, {C[1], C[2], C[5], C[6]},
Simplify] & /@ Range[0, 3], {C[1], C[2], C[5], C[6]}] // Flatten;
which is enormous. Finally, the expression determining xg
s3 = (w2[x] - (d + e xg)) /. s1 /. x -> xg /. s2 /. rules;
A plot of s3
give the approximate value of xg
ListLinePlot[Table[Chop[N[s3, 30]], {xg, 950, 1010}], DataRange -> {950, 1010}]
Without a precision of 30
, N[s3]
is highly inaccurate near xg == 980
. Finally, xg
can be computed by
FindRoot[Chop[N[s3, 30]], {xg, 976, 980}, WorkingPrecision -> 30, Evaluated -> False]
(* {xg -> 977.546450674047397721034539858} *)
Alternative (Better) Approach
In the computation above, DSolve
gives an expression containing complex numbers. Although the imaginary parts eventually cancel, as they should, higher precision along with Chop
is needed to achieve the cancellation. This alternative approach transforms the DSolve
expression to eliminate the complex numbers at the outset. (It does not seem possible, however, to instruct DSolve
itself not to include explicitly complex numbers in its output. See question 126132 and associated comments.)
Collect[DSolve[{a*w''''[x] == -b + c (d - w[x] + e x),
a*w2''''[x] == -b + f (d - w2[x]), w[x1] == d - g + e x1,
w'[x1] == e, w2''[x2] == 0, w2'''[x2] == 0}, {w[x], w2[x]}, x,
Assumptions -> a > 0 && c > 0 && f > 0] // Flatten, { C[1], C[2],
C[5], C[6]}, Simplify];
Solve[{c1 == C[1] + C[2], c2 == I (C[1] - C[2]), c5 == C[5] + C[6],
c6 == I (C[5] - C[6])}, {C[1], C[2], C[5], C[6]}] // Flatten;
s4 = Collect[ComplexExpand[%% /. %, TargetFunctions -> {Re, Im}] /.
x z_ :> x FullSimplify[z, a > 0 && c > 0 && f > 0] /.
x1 z_ :> x1 FullSimplify[z, a > 0 && c > 0] /.
x2 z_ :> x2 FullSimplify[z, a > 0 && f > 0], {c1, c2, c5, c6},
Simplify] /. {x1 -> 0, x2 -> 10000}
(* {w[x] -> -c2 E^(-(((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2])) (-1 + E^(Sqrt[2] (c/a)^(1/4) x))
Sin[((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]] + c1 E^(-(((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]))
((1 - E^(Sqrt[2] (c/a)^(1/4) x)) Cos[((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]] + 2 E^(Sqrt[2]
(c/a)^(1/4) x) Sin[((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]]) + (-b + c d + c e x +
E^(((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]) (b - c g) Cos[((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]] -
E^(((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]) (b - c g) Sin[((c/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]])/c,
w2[x] -> d - b/f + c5 E^(-(((f/a)^(1/4) (20000 + x))/Sqrt[2]))
((E^(10000 Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4)) + E^(Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4) x))
Cos[((f/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]] + E^(Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4) x) (Sin[((f/a)^(1/4)
(-20000 + x))/Sqrt[2]] - Sin[((f/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]])) +
c6 E^(-(((f/a)^(1/4) (20000 + x))/Sqrt[2])) (E^(Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4) x)
Cos[((f/a)^(1/4) (-20000 + x))/Sqrt[2]] + E^(Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4) x)
Cos[((f/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]] + (E^(10000 Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4)) + E^(
Sqrt[2] (f/a)^(1/4) x)) Sin[((f/a)^(1/4) x)/Sqrt[2]])} *)
Now, proceeding as above,
s5 = Solve[Collect[D[(w[x] == w2[x]) /. s4, {x, #}] /. x -> xg, {c1, c2, c5, c6},
Simplify] & /@ Range[0, 3], { c1, c2, c5, c6}] // Flatten;
s6 = (w2[x] - (d + e xg)) /. s4 /. x -> xg /. s5 /. rules;
ListLinePlot[Table[N[s6, 15], {xg, 950, 1010}], DataRange -> {950, 1010}]
yields the same curve as above but, as promised with less precision required and Chop
not employed. Nearly the same result is obtained for xg
(* {xg -> 977.546444338072792851682553074} *)
The total solution is easily plotted.
p = ListLinePlot[Table[N[w7], {x, 0, 1200, 10}], DataRange -> {0, 1200}];
p2 = ListLinePlot[Table[N[w27], {x, 500, 10000, 100}], DataRange -> {500, 10000}];
Show[p, p2, PlotRange -> All]
The overlap is smooth, as desired.
The parameter g
in the question was changed by the OP from 10^-14
to 10^-5
. No significant change in the results occurs. In fact, no significant change in the results occurs for g
as large as 10