
I have used FindFaces on a list of pictures which contain a number of people. These faces have then been highlighted using HighlightImage. What I would now like is a list of cropped images of just the faces (ie. a list of what is in the red squares). How do I go about doing this?

enter image description here

I have tried

ImageTrim[images[[#]],Partition[Flatten@FindFaces[images[[#]]], 2]] & /@ Table[k, {k, 1, Dimensions[images][[1]], 1}]

however this resulted in a list of 3 images cropped to fit all of the faces into one photo, as below.

enter image description here


1 Answer 1

images = Import /@ 

Mathematica graphics

Function[{im}, ImageTrim[im, #] & /@ FindFaces[im]] /@ images

Mathematica graphics


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