So I'm building this software that designs mechanisms to follow a specific curve. I'm inspired by the work done by Disney
Here's what I've done so far:
- I've done the modelling of the mechanism and tracing the curve resulting from the specific dimensions:
- I've tried to write my own implementation of genetic algorithm to optimize the error between 6 points {x,y} on the curve and 6 design points but I'm getting really bad results.
My Question:
- Is it possible to take input from the user by drawing a curve like the Disney software allows the user to?
- If it's possible, What kind of optimization can I use? The drawn curve is a list of 360 {x,y} points.
Here's my code if you want to give it a try:
crankRockerSolver[rcx_, rcy_, r1_, r4_, r3_, r2_] = (*
r1 is the crank; r2 is the coupler; r3 is the rocker;
r4 is the link between oA and oB;
This is a pure function that returns expressions with an empty slot \
in the place of the input angle which is passed to it later;
This function calculates the output angle of the rocker.*)
{a1 =
N[Sin[# Degree]],
b1 = N[r4/r1 - Cos[# Degree]],
c1 = N[-r4/r3 Cos[# Degree] +
N[(r1^2 - r2^2 + r3^2 + r4^2)/(2 r1 r2)]],
\[Psi] =
180 - ( 2 ArcTan[
N[(a1 + \[Sqrt](a1^2 + b1^2 - c1^2))/(b1 + c1)]]/
Degree),(*Output Angle Calculated by Equation from the \
a = N[AngleVector[{r1, # Degree}]],(*point A Starting from origin*)
b = N[
0}, {r3, \[Psi] Degree}]],(*Point B Starting from Ob*)
ob = N[AngleVector[{r4, 0}]],(*Point oB*) (*#7*)
v = b - a,(*this is the vector of the coupler link.
The coupler link closes the triangle between a2 and b2.
mathematica deals with vectors are geometrical vectors from the \
origin. in order to get the vector from a to b,
the vectors a2 and b2 has to be included in one equation to be \
solved namely a2+coupler=b2*)
3] = (VectorAngle[{1, 0}, v]/
Degree),(*this is the Subscript[\[Theta], 3]
angle from the diagram. The angle between the coupler and x-axis*)
Subscript[c, x] =
N[r1 Cos[# Degree] + rcx Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 3] Degree] -
rcy Sin[Subscript[\[Theta], 3] Degree]],
Subscript[c, y] =
N[r1 Sin[# Degree] + rcx Sin[Subscript[\[Theta], 3] Degree] +
rcy Cos[Subscript[\[Theta], 3] Degree]],
c = {Subscript[c, x], Subscript[c,
y]} (*C is the coupler floating link. This co-
ordinates of this point is to be calculated from the two \
equations above. The equations come form the refrences.*)
} &;
currentConfing =
crankRockerSolver[11.424901483235672`, 15.082872962462773`,
21.718791706141616`, 35.80178707917261`, 36.90228323939509`,
rockerPath =
currentConfing[t][[6]], {t, 0, 360,
1}];(*This using Table function to get an array of the \
coordinates of one point, rocker tip, at different values of \
currentConfig function then draw a line from it in graphics*)
couplerCurve =
currentConfing[t][[12]], {t, 0, 360,
1}];(*Same concept yet this traces the cooupler curve*)
{Slider[Dynamic[t], {0, 360, 1}], Dynamic[t]}
Dynamic[ (*This is the drawing of the four bar linkage*)
{Blue, Dashed, rockerPath},(*
the path of the rocker tip*)
{Blue, Dashed,
couplerCurve}, (*The path of C, the coupler curve*)
Line[{{0, 0}, currentConfing[t][[5]], currentConfing[t][[6]],
currentConfing[t][[7]], {0, 0}}],(*The drawing of the 4 linkages*)
12]]}],(*The drawing of one side of the coupler from a to c*)
12]]}],(*The drawing from the other side of the coupler from b \
to c*)
Locator@{0.9206, 6.37}, Locator@{0.605, 6.29},
Locator@{0.427, 6.23}, Locator@{0.163, 6.11},
Locator@{-0.0501, 5.988}, Locator@{-0.256, 5.84},
}, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> Automatic, Ticks -> Automatic]