I have been trying to solve a cubic equation $$y=zy^3 + z$$ in $y$ – that is, my desired result is a function $y(z)$ satisfying the equation. Now, there are three solutions of this equation and the Implicit Function Theorem implies that one of them should be analytic at $z = 0$. I have been trying to find this analytic solution.
The task seems to be pretty simple, however the methods I have used successfully to deal with simpler (e.g., quadratic) equations do not seem to work. First of all, I have tried to use
Solve[y == z*y^3 + z, y]
which returned me three solutions. However, by applying
f[z_] := (* each particular solution might go here *)
Series[f[z], {z,0,10}]
I obtained series expansions, which seem to indicate that none of these three functions is analytic at $z=0$ – all three expansions were Puiseux expansions, not Taylor expansions. Looks strange.
Now, as a second attempt, I have tried to use Reduce instead of Solve. More specifically,
Reduce[y == z*y^3 + z, y]
As a result, I obtained
(z == 0 && y == 0) || (z != 0 && (y == Root[z - #1 + z #1^3 &, 1] ||
y == Root[z - #1 + z #1^3 &, 2] || y == Root[z - #1 + z #1^3 &, 3]))
Now, by trying
Series[Root[z - #1 + z #1^3 &, 1], {z,0,10}]
I have found out that this root indeed is an analytic solution (it has a Taylor expansion at $z = 0$).
And now the weirdest thing of all: I have not been satisfied with the "indirect" solution as a root of a cubic equation, so I have tried
Reduce[y == z*y^3 + z, y, Cubics -> True]
And then, suddenly, series expansions of all three solutions again appear to be Puiseux series, not Taylor series.
Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong (e.g., when using Solve and Reduce, or when trying to obtain series for the solutions)? Or is there some other preferable method of finding analytic solutions? Thank you in advance.