
I find one solution to make +/- buttons near Slider Control of Manipulate. But I don't understand why it works so bad.

 Grid[{{Control[{{l, 0.007, "l"}, {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007,
        0.008, 0.009, 0.01}, 
      Grid[{{Slider[##, ImageSize -> 100], 
          InputField[#, ImageSize -> 40], 
          Animator[##, AnimationRunning -> False, 
           AppearanceElements -> {"StepLeftButton", 
        Alignment -> {Center, Center}] &}]}, {Control[{{n, 0.005, 
       "n"}, {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01}, 
      Grid[{{Slider[##, ImageSize -> 100], 
          InputField[#, ImageSize -> 40], 
          Animator[##, AnimationRunning -> False, 
           AppearanceElements -> {"StepLeftButton", 
        Alignment -> {Center, Center}] &}]}, {Control[{{m, 500, "m"}, 
      10, 1000, 10, 
      Grid[{{Slider[##, ImageSize -> 100], 
          InputField[#, ImageSize -> 40], 
          Animator[##, AnimationRunning -> False, 
           AppearanceElements -> {"StepLeftButton", 
        Alignment -> {Center, Center}] &}]}}]]

enter image description here

Manipulating m works fine. n +/- buttons don't work at all. l button "-" does not work, but the "+" button does.

How can I fix this?

  • $\begingroup$ Rather than trying to fix your code, what are you actually trying to accomplish with it? The answer below gives you a hint on how you could go about building such an interface. If that doesn't work for you, please explain exactly what is unsatisfactory in that approach. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Jun 15, 2016 at 20:09

3 Answers 3



 {value = 10},
 Panel @ Row @ {
    Slider[Dynamic @ value, {1, 100, 1}, ImageSize -> Small],
    InputField[Dynamic @ value, Enabled -> False, ImageSize -> {36, 18}],
    Button["-", value--],
    Button["+", value++]




In order to restrict Slider to a set of pre-defined values, please see implementation below.


  index = 1,
  options = {1, 10, 20}
 Panel @ Row @ {
    Slider[Dynamic @ options[[index]], {options}, ImageSize -> Tiny],
    InputField[Dynamic @ options[[index]], Enabled -> False, 
     ImageSize -> 40],
    Button["+", If[index <  Length @ options, index++]],
    Button["-", If[index !=  1, index--]]


example 2

However, I would recommend to use a different control all together. I suggest SetterBar. Please see example below.


 {f, arg},
 Panel @ Column[{
    SetterBar[Dynamic @ f, {Sin, Cos, Tan}],
    Dynamic @ Plot[f[arg], {arg, 0, 2 Pi}]
   Alignment -> Center]


enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ 2000 reputation reached! Thank you! $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 15, 2016 at 20:14
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Well done, congratulations! $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Jun 15, 2016 at 22:12
  • $\begingroup$ @E.Doroskevic, I can use it only with expression like "m". That working fine at first message. But i can't use a list of values such in example what didn't work. So your answer is not an answer at all. $\endgroup$
    – Vasily
    Commented Jun 16, 2016 at 6:07

Based on the documentation, Slider is the only control object used in your code that supports a list of expression as its settings. Here is a custom alternative.

DynamicModule[{list = {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01}, l},
   Slider[Dynamic@l, {list}],
   InputField[Dynamic[l, If[MemberQ[list, #], l = #] &], FieldSize -> 3.5],
    Thread[Reverse@list -> Framed[Text[Style["-", FontSize -> 14]], 
       FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {1, 0}}]], 
    Enabled -> Dynamic[l > Min[list]]],
    Thread[list -> Framed[Text[Style["+", FontSize -> 14]], 
       FrameMargins -> {{3, 3}, {1, 0}}]], 
    Enabled -> Dynamic[l < Max[list]]]


  • $\begingroup$ One can replace Framed with Button, if that style and visual difference for the inactive Toggler is preferred. $\endgroup$
    – Karsten7
    Commented Jun 16, 2016 at 1:13

The problem is with Animator. When it is passed a list, the +/- buttons increment the index of the setting by about 5-10%. It seems to pick a "nice" increment that is 1, 2 or 5 times a power of 10. When the length of the list is less than 10, it does not behave well. It seems that an increment of 0 is what is sometimes calculated. (Personally, I would call this a bug. A minimum increment of 1 seems entirely reasonable to me.) Further, when the length of the list is 6 to 9, a forward increment of 1 is used, but the backward increment is 0.

You can play with the following to explore:

DynamicModule[{x = 3, n = 5},
 {Manipulator[Dynamic@n, {1, 10000, 1}, Appearance -> "Labeled"], 
    Animator[Dynamic@x, {Range@n}, AnimationRunning -> False]}}]

This does not happen for the discrete-increment form

Animator[Dynamic[x], a, b, 1]

It seems to me the only workaround for short lists is to explicitly increase the index. Here is my take on the OP's control. (Update: Thanks to Karsten 7 for a workaround to a bug.)

myControl[Dynamic[x_], arg : {list_List}, opts___] := (* special case for list of values *)
  Grid[{{Slider[Dynamic[x], arg, ImageSize -> 100], 
     InputField[Dynamic[x], ImageSize -> 40],
       i = First@Nearest[list -> Automatic, x];
        Dynamic[i, (i = #; x = list[[i]]) &],
        {1, Length@list, 1},
        AnimationRunning -> False, 
        AppearanceElements -> {"StepLeftButton", "StepRightButton"}]
   Alignment -> {Center, Center}];
myControl[Dynamic[x_], arg : {list__?NumberQ}, opts___] :=  (* the standard iterator *)
  Grid[{{Slider[Dynamic[x], arg, ImageSize -> 100], 
     InputField[Dynamic[x], ImageSize -> 40],
     Animator[Dynamic[x], arg, AnimationRunning -> False, 
      AppearanceElements -> {"StepLeftButton", "StepRightButton"}]}},
   Alignment -> {Center, Center}];

 Grid[{{Control[{{l, 0.007, "l"},
     {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009, 0.01}, myControl[##] &}]},
   {Control[{{n, 0.005, "n"}, {0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01}, myControl[##] &}]},
   {Control[{{m, 500, "m"}, 10, 1000, 10, myControl[##] &}]}}]]

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ @Karsten7. Thanks for looking into it so much! That feels like better code structure to me, too. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 16, 2016 at 12:33

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