Simple Question from a Stumped Rookie:
Using ListPlot, I can't get PlotStyle to look below the first level of a nested list to assign individual saturation values for each point; it assigns the first three saturation values to the first three groups of points.
pts = {{{0.10, 485}, {0.22, 495}, {0.35, 500}},
{{0.94, 739}, {2.95,814}}, {{3.47, 802}}};
saturationList = {1, .5, .2, .5, .3, .7};
colors[sat_] := Hue[1, sat];
myPlotStyle = Map[colors, saturationList];
ListPlot[pts, PlotStyle -> myPlotStyle]
I ultimately want to assign different colors to each group while assigning unique saturation values to each point.