
Given a matrix defined through Grid, how can I specify the background color of entire rows based of the values of the cell in a specific column? For example, I have the following matrix:

 matrix = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {5, 4}];
 Grid[matrix, Frame-> All];

{"0", "2", "5", "7"},
{"6", "2", "7", "1"},
{"0", "9", "10", "8"},
{"7", "2", "6", "5"},
{"6", "8", "10", "3"}

and I want to set a background color for the rows which are containing values bigger than 6 on the 3rd column.


2 Answers 2

matrix = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {5, 4}];
colorrules = Table[n -> If[matrix[[n, 3]] < 6, Gray, Pink], {n, 1, 5}];
Grid[matrix, Frame -> All, Background -> {None, colorrules}]

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a lot. Could you explain me the meaning of "& /@ Range[5]? $\endgroup$
    – Conrad
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 9:10
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Conrad - there I was using a pure function (the # and & symbols) and Mapping that pure function (the /@ notation) onto the list {1,2,3,4,5} (the Range[5]). I was trying to write it shorter than Table[n -> If[matrix[[n, 3]] < 6, Gray, Pink], {n, 1, 5}] but I think it's easier to use the Table and more clear so I will change it. $\endgroup$
    – Jason B.
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 9:15
matrix = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {5, 4}];

Background -> {None, 
Table[Which[matrix[[i, 3]] > 6, i -> Red], {i, 1, 
Length[matrix]}], Null]}, Frame -> All]

enter image description here


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