
I was trying to write my own plot function taking as unit size cm instead of points. I've tried

Options[MyPlot] = Options[Plot];
SetOptions[MyPlot, ImageSize -> {8.22, 5.03}];
MyPlot[fun_, int_, opts_: OptionsPattern[]] := {fun, int, 
  ImageSize -> OptionValue[MyPlot, opts, ImageSize]*72/2.54};
Plot @@ MyPlot[Sin[2 \[Pi] x], {x, 0, 1}, ImageSize -> 10]

and with

Options[MyGraphics] = Options[Graphics];
SetOptions[MyGraphics, ImageSize -> {8.22, 5.03}];
MyGraphics[prims_, opts_: OptionsPattern[]] := {prims, 
  ImageSize -> OptionValue[MyGraphics, opts, ImageSize]*72/2.54};

the error: OptionValue::rep: "OptionsPattern[] is not a valid replacement rule." came out.

Where am I wrong? It seems I am a bit confusing on the way to use OptionsPattern[] and using _ or __ in the function arguments before the opts.



1 Answer 1


You must use opts : OptionsPattern[] and not opts_ : OptionsPattern[].

The : character has a double role: it can indicate a pattern name or an optional argument. If the left-hand-side is a symbol then it indicates a pattern name, otherwise it indicates an optional argument.


a_ is a Blank named a.

a : _ is a blank named a using : syntax.

a_ : x is a blank named a as optional argument with default value x.

_ : x is an unnamed optional blank with default value x (I'm not sure if this has any use at all).

a : _ : x is a blank named a as optional argument with default value x.

  • $\begingroup$ The x: _ : x pattern isn't unnamed: it's a Blank pattern with name x and default value x. Try: f[x : _ : x] := x, then f[] returns x and f[1] returns 1. The case x: a : _ : x is also misinterpreted (but more complicated). $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2016 at 15:54
  • $\begingroup$ The pattern x : a : _ : x means "the pattern a named x with default value _ : x": try Clear[f, a, x]; f[x : a : _ : x] := x, then f[] returns the default value _ : x, f[a] returns a and f[1] returns unevaluated because 1 doesn't match the pattern a. $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2016 at 16:02
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov I wrote it in a confusing way, so you thought that some colons that were just punctuation in the text were actually code. I rewrote it to avoid confusion: I put the code at the beginning of each line. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented May 1, 2016 at 16:19
  • $\begingroup$ (+1) Now it is clear. I'll keep my comments since despite they don't correspond to the answer anymore they still can have some educational value. $\endgroup$ Commented May 1, 2016 at 16:28

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