
Being new to Mathematica, I try to follow the suggestions of using NestList, Map, Table instead of For/While loops. Things have gone well so far, until I face this problem. I now want my function f to calculate the next result, assume that it is f[f[f[x]]], using the two last results, namely f[f[x]] and f[x]. Can I achieve that goal without using For/While/Do loops?

To make the question more specific and easier to answer, this is my code:

LocalPotential[{v0_, va_, vab_}] := Module[
   {potential = v0, grad = va, hess= vab, deltavab, next},
   potential += deltaphi.grad + (1./2.)*(deltaphi.hess.deltaphi);
   grad += hess.deltaphi;
   hess = MyHessian[hess, grad];
   next = {potential, grad, hess};

totallist =  Table[
   NestList[LocalPotential, {Potential0[n, 100.], Gradient0[n], DBH[n]}, nstep], 
   {i, 1, realisation}

I now want my function MyHessian to calculate the next result using not just the previous one but also the one before that, i.e. va[n-1] and va[n-2]. What should I do? Thanks a million in advance!


1 Answer 1


Here is a hint.

Consider you want to implement a function $f(n)=2^n$ using NetList. You will do something like this:


So we used the fact that $f(n+1)=2f(n)$.

Now we will implement Fibonacci sequence where $g(n)=g(n-1)+g(n-2)$

(*{{0,1},{1,1},{1,2},{2,3},{3,5},{5,8},{8,13},{13,21},{21,34},{34,55},{55,89}} *)

What happens here? The function $g$ acts on a pair $g: (x,y)\rightarrow (y,x+y)$. So effectively it saves $y$, i.e. $g(n-1)$, for you to be used during next iteration, where it becomes $g(n-2)$.

In the end we don't need pairs, we need just list of second arguments. So our function becomes:

(*{1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 *)

If you are not yet very comfortable with pure functions (#@/& stuff), you can rewrite it as:


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