I want to redefine a function similar to Plot
like this:
newPlot[func_, range_, prop___] := Plot[func, range, prop, GridLines -> something,
FrameStyle -> something]
To be more flexible, I'd like to write it more in the following way:
moreProp = GridLines -> something, FrameStyle -> something
newPlot[func_, range_, prop___] := Plot[func, range, prop, moreProp]
Unfortunately it's not working.
What's the necessary syntax than for moreProp
I just edited the question for more clarification (I hope).
... ? $\endgroup$moreProp = {GridLines -> something, FrameStyle -> something}
$\endgroup$moreprops = {Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic}; newPlot[func_, range_, prop___] := With[{mp = moreprops}, Plot[func, range, prop, mp]]; newPlot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, GridLinesStyle -> Dashed]
still works $\endgroup$