I am trying to take the implicit derivative at $\sin(x+y)+\sin(x)=y$ and substitute $x=\pi$ and $y=0$ at least 6-7 times since I need to find the Taylor series for this function.
Since I barely anything about coding I referred to the documentation in Mathematica and other web pages which showed to do this...
D[Sin[x]+Sin[x+y[x]] == y[x],{ x,1}]
Then I took the output of that and solved for $y[x]$
Solve[Cos[x] + Cos[x + y[x]] (1 + Derivative[1][y][x]) ==
Derivative[1][y][x], Derivative[1][y][x]]
Then took that output and finally substituted $x=\pi$ and $y[x]=0$
{Derivative[1][y][x] -> (-Cos[x] - Cos[x + y[x]])/(-1 +
Cos[x + y[x]])}/.{y[x]->0,x->Pi}
Unfortunately this process was too tedious so I took some programming from here
D[Sin[x] + Sin[x+y[x]] == y, {x, 1}]
sol1 = Solve[%, y'[x]]
D[Sin[x] + Sin[x+y[x]] == y, {x, 2}]
sol2 = Solve[%, y''[x]]
sol2 /. sol1 // Simplify
And ended up with the second derivative but was too long.
Is there a more elegant way of doing this and how? (One thing you can do is solve for the first implicit derivative, substitute $x$ and $y$, then substitute the first into the second derivative and so on with the next derivatives).
(total derivative) is what you need to take implicit derivatives? You could also writey
, put everything in one side of the equation, and callSeries
. $\endgroup$