I need a nice formula for the third (or fourth derivative if it's easier) of cross-entropy loss $\frac{\partial^3 J}{\partial z^3}$ where
$$J(p(z)) = -\sum_i q_i\log p(z)_i$$ $$p(z)_i=\frac{\exp z_i}{\sum_i \exp z_i}$$ Can anyone suggest any Mathematica magic that can help me find it?
First derivative is $H_1=p-q$
Second derivative is $H_2=\text{diag}(p)-pp'$
There's symmetric factorization $H_2=Q^TQ$ with $Q=\text{diag}(\sqrt{p})-\sqrt{p}p$
$H_3=\text{diag}(p)-p\otimes p\otimes p$, at least when $p=1/3,1/3,1/3$
What is the formula for higher derivatives?
I'm suspecting there's a nice formula by looking at concrete values. For instance, code below computes derivatives for $z_i=1$, counts number of unique values and shows a single matrix slice
$$ H_2=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \frac{2}{9} & -\frac{1}{9} & -\frac{1}{9} \\ -\frac{1}{9} & \frac{2}{9} & -\frac{1}{9} \\ -\frac{1}{9} & -\frac{1}{9} & \frac{2}{9} \\ \end{array} \right)$$
$$H_3=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \frac{2}{27} & -\frac{1}{27} & -\frac{1}{27} \\ -\frac{1}{27} & -\frac{1}{27} & \frac{2}{27} \\ -\frac{1}{27} & \frac{2}{27} & -\frac{1}{27} \\ \end{array} \right)$$
$$H_4=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} -\frac{2}{27} & \frac{1}{27} & \frac{1}{27} \\ \frac{1}{27} & -\frac{1}{27} & 0 \\ \frac{1}{27} & 0 & -\frac{1}{27} \\ \end{array} \right)$$
(* approximate equality testing *)
DotEqual[a_, b_] :=
Norm[Flatten[{a}] - Flatten[{b}], \[Infinity]] < 1*^-9;
softmax[z_] :=
Exp[z]/Total[Exp@z]; (* make entries positive and add up to 1 *)
d = 3; (* number of dimensions *)
z = Array[z00, d]; (* vector of potentials *)
p = softmax[z]; (* vector of probabilities *)
q = Array[q00, d]; (* target probabilities *)
(* substitution rules to replace q,z with numeric values *)
num := (
qvals = softmax[Array[1 &, d]];
zvals = Array[1 &, d];
Thread[q -> qvals]~Join~Thread[z -> zvals]
xent = Log[Total[Exp[z]]] Total[q] - z . q;
first = D[xent, {z, 1}] /. num;
second = D[xent, {z, 2}] /. num;
third = D[xent, {z, 3}] /. num;
fourth = D[xent, {z, 4}] /. num;
fifth = D[xent, {z, 5}] /. num;
myFirst = (p - q) /. num;
mySecond = DiagonalMatrix[p] - Outer[Times, p, p] /. num;
secondSqrt = DiagonalMatrix[Sqrt[p]] - Outer[Times, Sqrt[p], p] /. num;
Assert[first \[DotEqual] myFirst]
Assert[second \[DotEqual] mySecond]
Assert[Transpose[secondSqrt] . secondSqrt \[DotEqual] mySecond]
myThird =
"TODO"; (* figure out formula for third derivative and its \
factorization *)
For[order = 2, order <= 10, order += 1,
deriv = D[xent, {z, order}] /. num;
slice = (Composition @@ Table[First, order - 2])@deriv;
unique = DeleteDuplicates@Sort[Flatten@deriv];
Print[StringForm["order=`` num unique=`` `` ", order,
Length@unique, slice // MatrixForm]]
xent = Log[Total[Exp[z]]] Total[q] - z . q
. NowTotal[Exp[z]]
is just a scalar funtion (and not in the denominator). $\endgroup$