I have 2 sets of data imported from excel file, Let say A = 20 21 22 ... 30A B= 0 1 2 3 ... 10 I want to plot A with a relative error of 10%
errordataA= Around[A,Scaled[.1]]
But output was "Around[A, Scaled[0.1]]" not "Around[2+-10%]".
Then I want to create a plot with B.
IntervalMarkers -> "Bands",
Sequence[PlotTheme -> "Scientific",
PlotRangePadding -> {Automatic, Scaled[0.15]}]
Since the code can't read set A data so the graph does not show. How can I fix this one?
is not defined as a function in your system (it is in blue in your screenshot). Note thatAround
was introduced in version 12 (2019). What version are you using? $\endgroup$