I'd like to point out OP is probably simulating a point heat source with infinite strength at the center of the circle with the b.c. (D[y[r, f, t], r] /. r -> 2*10^-6) == -(1/(3.14*10^-8))*(1 + Sin[2*2*3.14*t/2])
and this seems to be the most troublesome part of the problem. (To learn more about "point source", check this post. ) I'm not sure about why OP chose this approximation, and guess a better approximation is necessary if one wants to solve the PDE in a not-that-slow way. Anyway, the following is my solution.
First, some clean-up for the equation and parameters, just to make the code more readable:
rrange = {rL, rR} = {2 10^-6, 10^-2};
frange = {fL, fR} = {0, Pi/2};
tbegin = 0;
tend = 1;
eqn = D[y[r, f, t], r,
r] + (1/r) D[y[r, f, t], r] + (1/r^2) D[y[r, f, t], f, f] == (100/127 10^-4) D[
y[r, f, t], t];
ic = y[r, f, tbegin] == 0;
bc = {y[r, f, t] == 0 /. r -> rR,
D[y[r, f, t], r] == -((1 + Sin[(2 2 π t)/2])/(π/10^8)) /. r -> rL,
D[y[r, f, t], f] == -(10/238)*y[r, f, t] /. f -> fL,
D[y[r, f, t], f] == 0 /. f -> fR};
Then in principle the PDE can be solved with
showStatus[status_] :=
SetNotebookStatusLine[FrontEnd`EvaluationNotebook[], ToString[status]]];
clearStatus[] := showStatus[""];
mol[n_Integer, o_:"Pseudospectral"] := {"MethodOfLines",
"SpatialDiscretization" -> {"TensorProductGrid", "MaxPoints" -> n,
"MinPoints" -> n, "DifferenceOrder" -> o}}
soln = NDSolve[{eqn, ic, bc}, y, {r, rL, rR}, {f, fL, fR}, {t, tbegin, tend},
MaxSteps -> Infinity, Method -> Union[mol[True, 100], mol[10, 2]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
Definition of showStatus
is from here.
MaxSteps -> Infinity
is set to deal with the mxst
warning. "DifferentiateBoundaryConditions"->{True,"ScaleFactor"->100}
is set to avoid the inconsistent b.c. being severely ignored. (For more information check this post.) "MaxPoints" -> 10, "MinPoints" -> 10, "DifferenceOrder" -> 2
is set to speed up the calculation. According to the monitor, the time step passes 1.840*10^-8
without difficulty, but sadly the calculation is still slow and memory-consuming and my laptop can't bear with it. If you have a PC with more memory, you may have a try, but in the rest part of this answer, I'll decrease the computation burden further by discretizing the PDE to a set of ODE with a coarser grid. (NDSolve
won't allow this coarse grid if the PDE is directly sent into NDSolve
I'll use the pdetoode
function here for discretization.
rpoints = 8;
fpoints = 8;
rgrid =Array[# &, rpoints, rrange];
fgrid = Array[# &, fpoints, frange];
var = Outer[y, rgrid, fgrid];
xdifforder = 2;
torder = 1;
ptoo = pdetoode[y[r, f, t], t, {rgrid, fgrid}, xdifforder];
del = Delete[#, {{1}, {-1}}] &;
odeqn = del /@ del@ptoo@eqn;
odeic = ptoo@ic;
odebc = With[{sf = 100}, diffbc[{t, torder}, sf]@MapAt[del, ptoo@bc, {{1}, {2}}]];
SetAttributes[y, NHoldAll]
sollst = NDSolveValue[{odeqn, odeic, odebc} // N, var, {t, tbegin, tend},
Method -> {"EquationSimplification" -> "Solve"}, MaxSteps -> Infinity,
EvaluationMonitor :> showStatus["t = " <> ToString[CForm[t]]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {95.391782, Null} *)
sol = rebuild[sollst, {rgrid, fgrid}, 3];
Animate[RevolutionPlot3D[sol[r, f, t], {r, rL, rR}, {f, fL, fR},
PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", ColorFunctionScaling -> False, Mesh -> None,
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["TemperatureMap"][#3/(1.5 10^5)] &),
PlotRange -> {Automatic, Automatic, {0, 1.5 10^5}}], {t, 0, tend}]
With such a coarse grid, the result still looks not bad:
you will get "a" solution, which is blowing up atr=.1,f=0
. Take a look at that and think why your bcs are driving a singularity at the corner. Describing the physical problem in your question might be useful if you need more help. $\endgroup$"Method" -> {"PDEDiscretization" -> "FiniteElement"}
? It doesn't work and isn't documented that i can find. $\endgroup$NDSolve
is simply not up to the task. $\endgroup$