
I have this code. When I click on the clock, my alarm don't activate and not work. I have tried with DynamicModule and nothing. I don't know where is the error.

reloj = Dynamic[
   Refresh[ClockGauge[DateString["Time"], ImageSize -> 120, 
     LabelStyle -> {Darker@Black, 10.5, Bold}, 
     GaugeStyle -> {Red, Red, Black}, PlotTheme -> "Minimal", 
     TicksStyle -> Directive[Black, Bold], LabelStyle -> Bold, 
     GaugeLabels -> {"ROLEX", Placed[ "AMPM", {0.5, 0.35}]}, 
     GaugeMarkers -> "ThinArrowNeedle"], UpdateInterval -> 1]];

sound = EmitSound@
   Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "alarmbeep.mp3", "Sound"];

alarma = Dynamic@
   Panel[Row[{Column[{Control[{{h, "", "Hours"}, Range[25] - 1}], 
        Control[{{m, "", "Minutes"}, Range[61] - 1}], 
        Control[{{oo, True, "Alarm"}, {True -> "ON", 
           False -> "OFF"}}]}], 
      If[Refresh[DateList[], UpdateInterval -> 1][[4 ;; 5]] == {h, 
          m} && oo, sound]}], Background -> LightBlue];

 "MouseClicked" :> 
  Quiet@CreateDialog[Column[{Panel[alarma], ChoiceButtons[]}], 
    WindowTitle -> "CONFIGURE LA ALARMA"]]
  • $\begingroup$ I guess sound should be defined using SetDelayed instead of Set as the EmitSound is part of the definition of sound. Or you should call EmitSound inside Dynamic. $\endgroup$
    – Johu
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 14:46
  • $\begingroup$ @Johu. When I called EmitSound inside Dynamic the sound don´t I can't stoped. This test I did it before and it did not work. $\endgroup$
    – Andres
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 16:01
  • $\begingroup$ Dynamic@Panel[ Row[{Column[{Control[{{h, "", "Hours"}, Range[25] - 1}], Control[{{m, "", "Minutes"}, Range[61] - 1}], Control[{{oo, True, "Alarm"}, {True -> "ON", False -> "OFF"}}]}], If[Refresh[DateList[], UpdateInterval -> 1][[4 ;; 5]] == {h, m} && oo, EmitSound@ Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "alarmbeep.mp3", "Sound"]]}], Background -> LightBlue] $\endgroup$
    – Andres
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 16:05

1 Answer 1

  1. sound = EmitSound@... evaluates immediately and sound is just Null. You should've heard it after initial Shift+Enter. If you want it to be a 'reusable' sound you should use SetDelayed as suggested in comments:

    sound[] := EmitSound @ ...

    You don't need to use [] but I find it a good habbit to have functions/precedures called this way instead of just a symbol.

    Additional improvement, you can preimport the sound:

    With[ { s = Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "alarmbeep.mp3", "Sound"] }
    , sound[]:=EmitSound @ s
  2. Your alarm trigger is in the dialog panel so it won't work when the dialog is hidden. You need to keep it visible with the clock. Something like:

      DynamicWrapper[reloj,  If[Refresh[...]]
    , "MouseClicked" :>... 
  • $\begingroup$ problem solved, thanks@Kuba $\endgroup$
    – Andres
    Commented Sep 14, 2018 at 12:42

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