UPDATE: 25-Jan-17 12:02AM CET
FirebaseLink package does not work on windows
UPDATE: 25-Jan-17 12:02AM CET
The problem could probably be reduced to: "How do I get the literal string
"{\" foo3 \":\" bar3 \"}"
from the association
<|"foo3" -> "bar3"|>
This makes the problem testable, I suppose.
I am working on a notebook where I have to execute external Windows10 commands ( i.e. write data to a Firebase database using curl ). In question How to call external commands with parameters on Win7? I found that I should use
At the DOS level I want to execute a string in this format:
curl -X PUT -d "{\"name\":{\"last\": \"sparrow\"}}" https://samplechat.firebaseio-demo.com/users/jack.json
( See also question: Firebase - How to write using curl? )
The string
"{\"name\":{\"last\": \"sparrow\"}}"
must be in JSON format recognizable by Firebase. In my application this data comes from a function which returns a list of associations.
ExportString[getBkmkCompEvntMrkt[], "JSON"]
So I have
curl -X PUT -d
ExportString[getBkmkCompEvntMrkt[], "JSON"], and
to work with.
Sofar I have consistently failed to get this working.
Please advise.
ExportString[<|"foo3" -> "bar3"|>, "RawJSON", "Compact" -> True]
? $\endgroup$