I am trying to solve Laplace equation over a time-dependent region using cylindrical coordinates. My system is independent of the angle coordinate, and so the equation looks like:
The region represents a container filled with a liquid plus a sphere that falls into it. The bottom and the sides of the container remain fixed. I have used the Finite Element Method to define my region (I have only represented half of it since it is independent of the angle):
ballRadiusSquared = 0.5;
rmax = 10.;
zmin = 0.;
zinit = 4.;
pa = 1.;
g = 9.8;
rho = 1.;
tmax = 0.2;
(*time dependent variable*)
zBallCentre[t_] := -0.5*g*t^2 + zinit + Sqrt[ballRadiusSquared];
(*define region coordinates*)
n = 1000;
(*circle coordinates*)
circTbl = Table[{Sqrt[ballRadiusSquared]*Cos[t], Sqrt[ballRadiusSquared]*Sin[t]}, {t, -Pi/2, Pi/2 - 2 Pi/(2 n), 2 Pi/(2 n)}];
Do[circTbl = ReplacePart[circTbl, {{i, 2}} -> circTbl[[i, 2]] + zBallCentre[0.7]], {i, Length[circTbl]}];
Do[If[circTbl[[i, 2]] > zinit, circTbl = Delete[circTbl, i], circTbl = circTbl], {i, Length[circTbl], 1, -1}];
(*surface coorinates*)
surfaceTbl = Table[{x, zinit}, {x, 0., rmax, 1/n}];
If[Length[circTbl] == n, surfaceTbl = surfaceTbl,
Do[If[circTbl[[Length[circTbl], 1]] > surfaceTbl[[1, 1]],surfaceTbl = Delete[surfaceTbl, 1],surfaceTbl = surfaceTbl],
{i, 1, n}]];
(*put everything together*)
coordTbl = Join[circTbl, surfaceTbl];
coordTbl = Prepend[coordTbl, {0., zmin}];
coordTbl = Append[coordTbl, {rmax, zmin}];
lineTbl = Partition[Range[Length[coordTbl]], 2, 1];
lineTbl = Prepend[lineTbl, {Length[coordTbl], 1}];
(*mesh the region where de PDE will be solved*)
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh["Coordinates" -> coordTbl, "BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[lineTbl]}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, MaxCellMeasure -> 0.1];
With the following output for t=0 (top), t=0.4 (middle) and t=0.7 (bottom):
I have used many points for the upper part because it is going to change a lot over time.
Now, I want to impose a Neumann boundary condition on the sphere. The Neumann boundary condition will be given by the component of the velocity of the sphere that is perpendicular to its surface at a given point. So, I have to find a way to impose a different Neumann boundary condition for each of the lines that join the points around the sphere (the points are defined in circTbl
, and you can see the definition of the lines in bmesh
Do you know how to do it?
The other boundary conditions that I am using are:
DirCond = DirichletCondition[ϕ[r, z] == 0., r == rmax];
NeumCond = NeumannValue[0., r == 0] + NeumannValue[0., r == rmax] + NeumannValue[0., z == zmin];
And I am solving the Laplace equation in the following way:
solution = NDSolveValue[{D[r*D[ϕ[r, z], r], r]/r + D[ϕ[r, z], {z, 2}] == NeumCond, DirCond}, ϕ, {r, z} ∈ mesh, "ExtrapolationHandler" -> {Automatic, "WarningMessage" -> False}]
NeumannValue[f[r,z], r^2 + (z-zBallCentre)^2 ==0.5]
? wheref[r,z]
is your velocity? Btw, you could write your code in much simpler way with regions, you don't need to specify the coordinates one by one as you do now. $\endgroup$ImplicitRegion
, in order to create one single region. And I do not want to change the surface boundary mesh. $\endgroup$MeshRefinementFunction
as the sum of two functions, one for the edge and other for the disk. $\endgroup$MeshRefinementFunction
help me with that. I do not need, for the moment, to refine the triangular mesh that I am using. $\endgroup$