Directed Shortest Paths
Here's a friendly amendment to Heike's solution that shows the distance remaining to the finish vertex (in white). The starting vertex is green. Edges are directed to show the appropriate direction toward the finish. According to the documentation on GraphDistance
, "For a weighted graph, the distance is the minimum of the sum of weights along any path between s and t." So it should automatically work with weighted graphs.
First, here's Heike's routine, which does most of the heavy lifting, with a simple tweak to produce directed edges:
paths[gr_, {i_, j_}] :=
Module[{sub, dist, indices, dd, nbrs}, dist = GraphDistance[gr, i, j];
indices = {};
dd = dist;
Reap[Nest[Function[{vv}, dd -= 1;
nbrs = VertexList[NeighborhoodGraph[gr, #]] & /@ vv;
nbrs = Pick[#, GraphDistance[gr, #, j] & /@ #, dd] & /@ nbrs;
Sow /@ Flatten[Thread /@ Thread[vv \[DirectedEdge] nbrs]];
Union[Flatten[nbrs]]], {i}, dist]][[2, 1]]]
The following produces the directional routes. Numbers refer to GraphDistance
from the current vertex to the finish vertex.
gr = RandomGraph[{30, 40}];
ends = {1, 30};
sub = paths[gr, ends];
e = EdgeList[gr] /. {x_ \[UndirectedEdge] y_ /;
GraphDistance[gr, x, 30] < GraphDistance[gr, y, 30] :> y \[DirectedEdge] x,
x_ \[UndirectedEdge] y_ /;
GraphDistance[gr, y, 30] <= GraphDistance[gr, x, 30] :> x \[DirectedEdge] y}
gr1 = Graph[e, ImagePadding -> 15];
HighlightGraph[gr1, {Graph[sub], Style[1, Green], Style[30, White]},
VertexLabels -> Table[i -> Style[GraphDistance[gr1, i, 30], 16], {i,
Union[Level[sub, {-1}]]}],
VertexSize -> {1 -> Large, 30 -> Large},
GraphHighlightStyle -> "Thick", ImagePadding -> 15]
![directed graph](
Below is a variant that displays (a) the vertex indices (small font size) and the distance from the finish vertex on the EdgeLabel
(large font).
HighlightGraph[gr1, {Graph[sub], Style[1, Green], Style[30, White]},
VertexLabels -> (v = Union[Level[sub, {-1}]]) /. {i_Integer :> (i -> i)},
EdgeLabels -> sub /. {x_ \[DirectedEdge] y_ :> (x \[DirectedEdge] y) ->
Style[ GraphDistance[gr, x, 30], 14, Background -> White]},
VertexSize -> {1 -> Large, 30 -> Large},
GraphHighlightStyle -> "Thick", ImagePadding -> 15, ImageSize -> 600]
![directed graph 2](
to this problem? $\endgroup$BreadthFirstScan
has an example of this problem under Examples-Applications-Shortest Path Applications. $\endgroup$BreadthFirstScan
works for very small toy problems but even forGridGraph
with dimension $12 \times 14$ memory consumption increases with out bound. $\endgroup$