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Definition of a variable in a context is done by myContexta=100; !! Typing "a" later will not give 100!! To call the content defined above you need to specifiy the context other wise it is assumedmyContext`a=100; !! Typing "a" later will not give 100!! To call the content defined above you need to specifiy the context other wise it is assumed Global` Global. So use myContext`amyContext`a to get 100.

Do this with all the needed variables in the notebook. You can use DumpSave["file","myContext`"]DumpSave["file","myContext`"] to save all the definitions at once.

Definition of a variable in a context is done by myContexta=100; !! Typing "a" later will not give 100!! To call the content defined above you need to specifiy the context other wise it is assumed Global. So use myContext`a to get 100.

Do this with all the needed variables in the notebook. You can use DumpSave["file","myContext`"] to save all the definitions at once.

Definition of a variable in a context is done by myContext`a=100; !! Typing "a" later will not give 100!! To call the content defined above you need to specifiy the context other wise it is assumed Global` . So use myContext`a to get 100.

Do this with all the needed variables in the notebook. You can use DumpSave["file","myContext`"] to save all the definitions at once.

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Definition of a variable in a context is done by myContexta=100; !! Typing "a" later will not give 100!! To call the content defined above you need to specifiy the context other wise it is assumed Global. So use myContext`a to get 100.

Do this with all the needed variables in the notebook. You can use DumpSave["file","myContext`"] to save all the definitions at once.