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Timeline for ContourPlot has weird Jagged line

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Jun 2, 2015 at 1:24 history edited Michael E2 CC BY-SA 3.0
Responded to comment
Jun 2, 2015 at 1:24 comment added Michael E2 (1) It sets the numerator equal to zero (after putting the terms together into a simple fraction). (2) See update
Jun 2, 2015 at 0:05 comment added Necarion (1) I don't understand what's going on in your first point. What is it doing? (2) I'm asking about the 2D Plot, but not simply restricting the plotting range. The plot is obviously not single-valued, but there are portions of the double-value that take the lines to infinity (For example, coming from infinity on q = p + const in the positive direction, and going to infinity on q = p - const in the negative direction). If it were a parametric plot, I could restrict the range of the parameter, but that's not really relevant here.
Jun 1, 2015 at 23:08 comment added Michael E2 @Necarion (1) In fact, this is what I normally do: ContourPlot[Evaluate@Thread[Numerator@Together[fulltable /. Equal -> Subtract] == 0], {p, -10, 10}, {q, -10, 10}, PlotPoints -> plotpoints]. Somehow I focused on the exclusions. (2) Do you mean something like this?: ContourPlot[.., {p, -2, 2}, {q, -2, 2}] Or are you asking about the 3D plot?
Jun 1, 2015 at 22:44 comment added Necarion Thanks. That seems to have resolved the bulk of my difficulties, even if I'm not totally sure why it did so. I do have 2 related questions, though. First, and I know I'm being picky here (i.e., this isn't terribly important), can I smooth the graphs out again so those 'gaps' are filled up in a sensible manner. Second, is there an easy way to exclude the portion of the graph that goes between zero and infinity (the portions that bend over backwards). They aren't meaningful and only confuse everything. Thanks!
Jun 1, 2015 at 13:52 history answered Michael E2 CC BY-SA 3.0