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when toggle format what by license comment
May 25, 2015 at 23:55 comment added Basheer Algohi @thecommexokid Center places the Text at the center of the image not the center of the plot object. check this Graphics[{Arrowheads[{-0.03, 0.03}], Arrow[{{1/4, 1.2}, {5/4, 1.2}}], Style[Text[" Period ", Center], Background -> White]}, Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {-2, 0}] you need to manipulate used coordinate to specify the position of the text
May 25, 2015 at 22:38 comment added thecommexokid True, that works in the simple case, but I'd still prefer a more general solution for centering items relative to other items without having to specify coordinates explicitly. (For instance, on LogPlots and LogLogPlots, the midpoint of two coordinates is more complicated than just their arithmetic mean.)
May 25, 2015 at 22:34 history answered Basheer Algohi CC BY-SA 3.0