z := u + vI
g1 := -(3/2) Im[(z (1 - z^4))/(z^6 + z^3 \[Sqrt]5√5 - 1)]
g2 := -(3/2) Re[(z (1 + z^4))/(z^6 + z^3 \[Sqrt]5√5 - 1)]
g3 := Im[(1 + z^6)/(z^6 + z^3 \[Sqrt]5√5 - 1)] - 1/2
g = g1^2 + g2^2 + g3^2
{g1/g, g2/g, g3/g}, {u, 0, 0.5}, {v, 0, 0.5}
In the end, I want to end up with exactly this image, for which I've been unable to find the original code.
Edit: The 3 solutions provided here worked like a charm (with the caveat that the one using polar coordinates was weirdly sharped, and I couldn't fix that, but I'm a MathematicaMathematica newb), and I found another method:
ParametricPlot3D[Boys[u, v], {u, v} \[Element]∈ Disk[{0, 0}, 1]1]]
I don't know why, but using RegionFunctionRegionFunction
the surface rendered ~30% slower, and, using PiecewisePiecewise
, about %5 slower. The only issue is that the mesh is now weirdly triangulated.