Please let me know if I'm missing something but, contrary to what's been said above, it doesn't appear that the following two expressions are equal:
e1 = -Log[Cos[t/2] - Sin[t/2]] + Log[Cos[t/2] + Sin[t/2]]
e2 = Log[Sec[t] + Tan[t]]
e1 /. t -> Pi
gives: -i Pi
e2 /. t -> Pi
gives: i Pi
e1 /. t -> Pi/2.
gives: 37.0834
e2 /. t -> Pi/2.
gives: 38.025
EDIT: I think I partly figured it out -- when t=Pi, the arguments of the logs (after using the identity log(x) - log(y) = log(x/y) are, in both cases, -1, so we get -i Pi in one case, and i Pi in the other (because of the negative sign):
(Cos[t/2] + Sin[t/2])/(Cos[t/2] - Sin[t/2]) /. t -> Pi
gives -1
Sec[t] + Tan[t] /. t -> Pi
gives -1
And when When t=Pi/2, the arguments of the logs are some very large numbers, so we may be getting round-off errors.