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flist = {ph, ar, x, y};

The most straightforward approach is the one suggested by @Bob Hanlon in the comments section: Plot[Tooltip[#@l, #] & /@ flist, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True].

The following unusual usage of the option PlotStyle also gives the desired result:

Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis,
 PlotStyle -> (Function[t, Tooltip[#, t] &] /@ flist)]

enter image description here

You can also add tooltips via post-processing:

Block[{j = 1}, Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis] /. 
      Line[x_] :> Tooltip[Line[x], flist[[j++]]]]
(* same picture *)
flist = {ph, ar, x, y};

The most straightforward approach is the one suggested by @Bob Hanlon in the comments section: Plot[Tooltip[#@l, #] & /@ flist, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True].

The following unusual usage of the option PlotStyle also gives the desired result:

Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis,
 PlotStyle -> (Function[t, Tooltip[#, t] &] /@ flist)]

enter image description here

flist = {ph, ar, x, y};

The most straightforward approach is the one suggested by @Bob Hanlon in the comments section: Plot[Tooltip[#@l, #] & /@ flist, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True].

The following unusual usage of the option PlotStyle also gives the desired result:

Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis,
 PlotStyle -> (Function[t, Tooltip[#, t] &] /@ flist)]

enter image description here

You can also add tooltips via post-processing:

Block[{j = 1}, Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis] /. 
      Line[x_] :> Tooltip[Line[x], flist[[j++]]]]
(* same picture *)
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flist = {ph, ar, x, y};

The most straightforward approach is the one suggested by @Bob Hanlon in the comments section: Plot[Tooltip[#@l, #] & /@ flist, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True].

The following unusual usage of the option PlotStyle also gives the desired result:

Plot[Through@flist@l, {l, 0, lmax}, Evaluated -> True, Filling -> Axis,
 PlotStyle -> (Function[t, Tooltip[#, t] &] /@ flist)]

enter image description here