Update: reply to comment to display the move of the ball. Here is a quick Manipulate. You can make improvement as needed
g = 9.82; y0 = 1; v = 0;
h = h + v*t - g t^2/2;
ymin = y0 Sin[w t];
If[h - radius > ymin + thick, tick = Not[tick]; t = t + delT];
{"time", "h"},
{t, h},
{Black, Disk[{0, h}, radius]},
{Blue, Rectangle[{-1, ymin}, {1, ymin + .2}]},
If[h - radius <= (ymin + thick),
{Red, Style[Text["Crash!", {1.5 radius, ymin + 2 thick}], 14]}
PlotRange -> {{-1, 1}, {0, 5.5}}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, Axes -> True,
ImageSize -> 200], SpanFromLeft
}, Spacings -> {.1, .2}, Frame -> All, FrameStyle -> LightGray]
Button["Run", h = 5; t = 0; ymin = 0; tick = Not[tick]],
{{w, 1, "omega?"}, 0, 10, .1, ImageSize -> Small, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{delT, 0.001, "animation speed?"}, 0.0001, 0.01, .0001, ImageSize -> Small,
Appearance -> "Labeled"},
{{tick, True}, None},
{{h, 5}, None},
{{t, 0}, None},
{{ymin, 0}, None},
{{thick, 0.2}, None},
{{radius, 0.1}, None},
TrackedSymbols :> {tick}
Original answer
If you tell NSolve
that time is positive (which it is), it can solve it
g = 9.82;
w = 0.5;
h = 5;
y0 = 1;
v = 0;
NSolve[h + v t - (g t^2)/2 == y0 Sin[w t] && t > 0, t]