Timeline for Implementing a function which generalizes the merging step in merge sort
Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0
6 events
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Jun 17, 2012 at 12:15 | comment | added | Leonid Shifrin |
You can easily cure your solution by passing just the starting positions from where to read the lists, and using Do loops instead of LengthWhile to read elements - so that you will never copy lists but always read from the same lista and listb . One other thing though would be to make the function tail-recursive, but I think this is also doable, given that it anyway works by side-effects.
Jun 17, 2012 at 12:08 | comment | added | Heike | @LeonidShifrin I didn't take it that way. I was a bit surprised by the speed myself so I suspected that there was catch somewhere anyway. | |
Jun 17, 2012 at 11:36 | comment | added | Leonid Shifrin | Heike, I did not have a motivation to kill your code, really. I just could not understand why it worked so fast on the rather large data I tried. Also, make sure you don't have anything worth saving in the session when trying my test code from the previous comment - it eats up my 8Gb of RAM very quickly and then quits the kernel. | |
Jun 17, 2012 at 11:35 | comment | added | Leonid Shifrin |
Ok, I got it. Statistically, the purely random data is such that very soon you get the number close to a maximal, so your function does not perform many recursive steps. This will be a killer though: ls1 = Flatten[RandomSample /@ Partition[Range[100000], 5]]; ls2 = Flatten[RandomSample /@ Partition[Range[100000], 5]];Block[{$RecursionLimit = Infinity}, mergeLists[ls1, ls2, Less]]; // AbsoluteTiming (Note that you have to lift the $RecursionLimit in general - which was another thing I initially did not understand - how could you avoid that with your function not being tail-recursive).
Jun 17, 2012 at 11:24 | comment | added | Leonid Shifrin |
Actually, your code is remarkably fast, I can only beat it when I enable the compilation to C, and it is more compact, since what I do explicitly with type-identification and Dispatch , is done implicitly by LengthWhile here. I was initially suspecting that your version might be slower because typically rule-based varsions not using linked lists are slow due to excessive copying of elements. But in your case, for some reason which I don't yet understand this only becomes noticable for truly huge lists, and is not dominating the running time in any case. Will have to think more about it.
Jun 17, 2012 at 10:10 | history | answered | Heike | CC BY-SA 3.0 |