I am using a recursion algorithm developed by Migdal for Lattice Field Theory, and I have the following code:
(** The dimension of the representation **)
dim[r_] := 2 r + 1
(**The trace of a product around the loop, also the sum of the eigenvalues **)
χ[r_] := Sin[dim[r] θ/2]/Sin[θ/2]
(** The main equation in the paper I went out to 12 terms in the above sum **)
migdal[a_] := Sum[
((1/dim[r]) NIntegrate[(Sin[θ/2]^2)/(2 π) a χ[r], {θ, 0, 4 π}])^(λ^2)
* dim[r] χ[r], {r, 0, 3, 1/2}
]^(λ^(d - 2))
(** The λ used as expansion parameter **)
λ = 2^(1/10)
d = 4
l6 = Table[Table[Simplify[
Exp[(9/1000) (χ[1/2] - dim[1/2]) - (3/100000) (χ[1] - dim[1])
+ 0 (χ[3/2] - dim[3/2])],
i]] χ[j] Sin[θ/2]^2/(2 π), {θ, 0, 4 π}]]
], {i,0, 20}] , {j, 1/2, 1, 1/2}]
and it says that
NIntegrate::ncvb: "NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy
after 9 recursive bisections in θ near {θ} = {9.71911}. NIntegrate obtained
6.127043317150083`*^-15 and 1.1472584029987046`*^-16 for the integral and
error estimates."
I have tried to change the MinRecursion, on the first NIntegrate, but then the integral converges too slowly, and there are further errors. Mathematica makes a number of recommendations having to do with changing error estimates, however I don't understand what it is referring to.
In my code $a$ is where my Boltzmann factor goes, more or less, as an initial input, followed by subsequent recursion of that factor. The factor itself depends the trace, $\chi$, and so depends on $\theta$.
FYI the initial conditions that are variable in this are the 9/1000, 3/100 000, and 0. The first two numbers are initial points that are plotted against each other with the first number corresponding to the x-axis, and the second corresponding to the y-axis. I have been varying their range andwhere from the current numbers to (1.2, 0.1) respectively.
If someone would be so kind as to help me with these error messages I would be grateful.