(* solve, given a board tab, returns a list of subsequent moves to win, or $Failed *)
(* markTab is recursive. If a board is a success, marks it with $Success and makes all subsequent markTab calls return $NotNecessary *)
(* If a board is not a success and doesn't have any more moves, returns $Failed. If it has moves, it just calls itself on every board,
saving the move made in the head of the new boards. I know, weird *)
Module[{$Success,$NotNecessary, parseSol, $guard, markTab},
markTab[tab_/;Count[tab, 1, {2}]===1]:=$Success/;!($guard=False)/;$guard;
i:markTab[tab_]:=With[{moves=findMoves[tab]},(i=If[moves==={}, $Failed,(#[markTab@makeMove[tab, #]]&/@moves)])]/;$guard];
(* parseSol converts the tree returned by markTab into the list of moves until $Success, or in $Failed *)
parseSol[sol_]/;FreeQ[{sol}, $Success]:=$Failed;
parseSol[sol_]:=sol[[Apply[Sequence,#;;#&/@First@Position[sol, $Success]]]]//#/.r_Rule:>Null/;(Sow[r];False)&//Reap//#[[2, 1]]&;