We can try like this:
Parallelize[MapThread[ImageSubtract, {{image1,image2}, {fond1,fond2}}]]
ParallelTry[imageSubtract, {{imag1, fond1}, {imag2, fond2}}, 2]
I remark that the Parallelize[]
is faster than ParallelTray[]
and It is possible to define imageSubtract[image1,fond1]
like this (with two arguments) and used it with ParallelTry[]
We can use also ParallelMap[]
ParallelMap[imageSubtract, {{imag1, fond1}, {imag2, fond2}}, 2]
I remark that Parallelize
is faster than ParallelTry[]
and the ParallelTry[]
is faster than ParallelMap[]
Any deep explanation about this? And it is possible to define imageSubtract[image1,fond1]
and used it with ParallelTry[] and ParallelMap[] or I must to define it with one argument?