Are there functions, programs or packages that deal with optimizing mathematica code i.e. re-writing ineffecive or convoluted code. -This question has haunted me since I joined SE.
The background for my question being the following: I have noticed that a considerable amount of answers and comments deal with trying to improve a given code sample. It is fascinating to see in how many ways a particular problem can be solved and often there is an unspoken and cheerful competition as who can write the fastest and or shortest code that does the job. - This creates an extremely creative and positive atmosphere here. Given the above, the answer to my question could be no.
However: Since Mathematica must be considered extremely powerful with, patterns, rules and an extensive set of buildbuilt-in functions and advanced algorithms, it seems quite reasonable to expect that someone has tried to write a code optimizing program, at least on a very basic level. So the answer could be yes.
So to recap: Does there exist any program/function/package that give the user feedback in better or alternative code?