Thanks to Rahul Narain for pointing out my oversight, and thanks to Timothy Wofford for his suggestion. Here, I revised my code as below. I still keep on using the function DiscretizeGraphics
because I can't get rid of the ugly boundaries produced by ListSurfacePlot3D
Code for viewpoint & position adjustment:
model = Import["c:\\turtle.obj"];
vp = OptionValue[Graphics3D, ViewPoint];
vv = OptionValue[Graphics3D, ViewVertical];
vc = OptionValue[Graphics3D, ViewCenter];
va = OptionValue[Graphics3D, ViewAngle];
vpoint = {-0.5 , 0.8 , 3 };
vvertical = {0.1 , 2 , 0.5};
vcenter = {{0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 }, {0.5 , 0.5 }};
vangle = 0.2;
Show[model, Background -> Black,
ViewPoint -> Dynamic[vp, (vp = #; vpoint = #) &],
ViewVertical -> Dynamic[vv, (vv = #; vvertical = #) &],
ViewCenter -> Dynamic[vc, (vc = #; vcenter = #) &],
ViewAngle -> Dynamic[va, (va = #; vangle = #) &],
ImageSize -> {300, 300}]
(Drag for rotation, Shift-Drag for position, Alt-Drag for zooming)
Code for producing the depth-map after the adjustment:
region = DiscretizeGraphics[model];
vdata = Import["c:\\turtle.obj" , "VertexData"];
viewPoint = vpoint;
{min, max} = {Min@#, Max@#} &@(EuclideanDistance[#, viewPoint] & /@ vdata);
ColorFunction -> (Glow[
GrayLevel[ (max - EuclideanDistance[{#1, #2, #3}, viewPoint])/(max - min)]] &),
ViewPoint -> vpoint,
ViewVertical -> vvertical,
ViewCenter -> vcenter,
ViewAngle -> vangle,
Background -> Black,
Boxed -> False,
Lighting -> None]