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Thanks to thisthis answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

Thanks to this answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

Thanks to this answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

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Thanks to thisthis answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

Thanks to this answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

Thanks to this answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

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Thanks to this answer for the gradient filling you can do the following:

sign[text_, xc_, size_] := 
  Graphics[{FaceForm[White], EdgeForm[Thin], 
    Polygon[{{0, 0}, {.25, -.40}, {2.5, -.40}, {2.5, .40}, {.25, .40}}], 
    Style[Text[Round[text, .01], {1.25, 0}], size, Black]}, ImageSize -> Scaled[xc]]
gradientBackground = 
  With[{bottomColor = Black, topColor = [email protected]}, 
    Inset[Show[Rasterize[Graphics[Polygon[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}, 
      VertexColors -> {bottomColor, bottomColor, topColor, topColor}],
      PlotRangePadding -> 0, ImagePadding -> 0], "Image"], 
      AspectRatio -> Full], {Left, Bottom}, {0, 0}, 
      ImageScaled[{1, 1}]]];

bankerData = Transpose[{Range[100], Accumulate[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 100]] + 10}];
last = Last@bankerData;
ypoints = Last /@ bankerData;

grid = Grid[{{"Day session:", SpanFromLeft}, {"Last Price", Last@last}, 
  {"Highest", Max@(Last /@ bankerData)}, {"Average", Mean@(Last /@ bankerData)}, 
  {"Lowest", Min@(Last /@ bankerData)}}];

lp = ListLinePlot[bankerData, Prolog -> gradientBackground, 
  PlotRangePadding -> None, Frame -> True, Axes -> False, 
  FrameTicks -> {
    {All, Thread[{Range[Round[Min@ypoints], Round[Max@ypoints]], 
        Grid[{{"", #}}, Spacings -> .80] & /@ (# <> ".00" & /@ 
           ToString /@ Range[Round[Min@ypoints], Round[Max@ypoints]])}]~
      Join~{{Last@last, sign[Last@last, 45, 11]}}},{All, All}},
  FrameTicksStyle -> {{Opacity@0, White}, {White, Opacity@0}},      
  GridLines -> Automatic, GridLinesStyle -> Dashed, 
  PlotStyle -> White, Method -> {"GridLinesInFront" -> True}, 
  Background -> Black, PlotRegion -> {{.04, .96}, {.04, .96}}, 
  Filling -> Top, FillingStyle -> Directive@{[email protected], [email protected]}, 
  BaseStyle -> {White, FontFamily -> "Arial"}, PlotRange -> All, 
  Epilog -> Inset[Framed[grid, Background -> Directive[{Black, [email protected]}]], 
    Scaled[{.5, .2}]], ImageSize -> 500]

Mathematica graphics