I am currently learning my way through MathematicaMathematica and have stumbled upon a strange problem. It is asking me to implement PrimeQPrimeQ
into Graphics3DGraphics3D
(Specificallyspecifically for spheres.). I typed it up and presenteddisplayed a picture in the notebook uploaded at the link below. If someone could explain this to me, I would greatly appreciate it and will move on to the next chapter, Pure FunctionsPure Functions.
Disregard the input I entered. I was just trying a generic example to see how both compare in front of each other.
Thank you!
P.S. I'm only 14 years old. I'm working through a MathematicaMathematica book, so that I may use MathematicaMathematica to enter into the Intel or Semmes Science Fairs next year.