Neither fast nor slow, but it gives no errors. I Originally I used PiecewiseExpand
to convert the function before passing it to one NIntegrate
knows how. But it turns out NIntegrate
will do it for me, if I remove the ?NumericQ
from the definition of q
and raise the $MaxPiecewiseCases
limit to handlelet NIntegrate
do some symbolic processing.
Block[{q, $MaxPiecewiseCases = 500},
q[time_] :=
Module[{q1 = 0.7, d1 = 600, p1 = 2700, ph1 = 0, q2 = 0.37,
d2 = 870., p2 = 5000, ph2 = 0},
If[Mod[time, p1] > ph1 && Mod[time, p1] < ph1 + d1, q1, 0] +
If[Mod[time, p2] > ph2 && Mod[time, p2] < ph2 + d2, q2, 0]];
With[Block[{int$MaxPiecewiseCases =
Assuming[0 <= t <= 7*24*3600,
NIntegrate[intNIntegrate[q[t], {t, 0, 7*24*3600}]
] // AbsoluteTiming
{54.485676384593, 133030.}