Someone know how can I get the correct crop of this Voronoi image using RegionFunction
As you can see, there is a lot of undesired white regions inside the left polygon.
Some clue on how to correct it? Here is the code using PointInPoly
and RegionFunction
PointInPoly[{x_, y_}, poly_List] :=
Module[{i, j, c = False, npol = Length[poly]},
For[i = 1; j = npol, i <= npol, j = i++,
If[((((poly[[i, 2]] <= y) && (y <
poly[[j, 2]])) || ((poly[[j, 2]] <= y) && (y <
poly[[i, 2]]))) && (x < (poly[[j, 1]] -
poly[[i, 1]])*(y - poly[[i, 2]])/(poly[[j, 2]] -
poly[[i, 2]]) + poly[[i, 1]])), c = \[Not]¬ c];];
poli={0.5,0.5}+#&/@Table[0.3{Cos[2\[Pi]Cos[2π k/6],Sin[2\[Pi]Sin[2π k/6]},{k,0,6}];
,RegionFunction->Function[{x,y,z},PointInPoly[{x, y}, poli]]
GraphicsRow@{g1, g2}
Important point, I can't use image manipulate functions.
What I really need is the list of polygons inside the cropped area. I get it using g1[[1]]