Mathematica can't compute this kind integrals because is not updatedUpdated.
FoxH function was introduced in 2021 year in version 12.1.
Integrate[x^a1*Exp[-a2*x^a3 - a4*x^a5], {x, 0, Infinity}] == (a4^(-((1 + a1)/a5))*FoxH[{{{1 - (1 + a1)/a5, a3/a5}}, {}}, {{{0, 1}}, {}}, a2 a4^(-(a3/a5))])/a5
This kind integrals is easy to compute using Mellin Transform and Inverse Mellin Transform:
inv = InverseMellinTransform[Integrate[
MellinTransform[Exp[-k*t - b*t^a], b, s], {t, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {k > 0, a > 0}][[1]], s, b](*Can't Compute.Weakness!*)
(* InverseMellinTransform[k^(-1 + a s) Gamma[s] Gamma[1 - a s], s, b] *)
From defintion of FoxH function we can easy establish formula by a Mellin–Barnes integral (Inverse Mellin Transform)
1/(2 Pi I) ContourIntegrate[k^(-1 + a s) Gamma[s] Gamma[1 - a s]*b^-s /. k -> 1 /. b -> 2/. a -> 4/3, s \[Element] InfiniteLine[{1/3, 0}, {0, 1}]](*Can't Compute.Weakness!*)
1/(2 Pi I) NContourIntegrate[k^(-1 + a s) Gamma[s] Gamma[1 - a s]*b^-s /. k -> 1 /. b -> 2 /. a -> 4/3, s \[Element] InfiniteLine[{1/3, 0}, {0, 1}]]
(* 0.377357 + 0. I *)