Let me start by simplifying your inputs.A previous answer I will show only inputs, not outputs, except for one atwrote fully missed the very endpoint. It helped to see the code in Wolfram Community.
This is an abstract tensor computation. You only need to load xTensor:
Configure signs as soon as possible:
$PrePrint = ScreenDollarIndices; $RiemannSign = -1;
Construct your background manifold:
DefConstantSymbol[dim] DefManifold[M, dim, IndexRange[a, e]] DefMetric[-1, g[-a, -b], lc]
Declare the new derivative. You don't need to declare the torsion separately. You can get the torsion of cd with Torsion[cd].
DefCovD[cd[-a], Torsion -> True, {"|", "\[ScriptCapitalD]"}] DefTensor[f[-a], M]
Now set S. You don't need to declare it as a tensor separately. This definition tells us all we need to know about it:
IndexSet[S[a_, -b_, -c_], g[a, -b] f[-c] + g[a, -c] f[-b] - g[-b, -c] f[a]]
NowThe problem is that wein the call
SetOptions[ToCanonical, UseMetricOnVBundle -> g];
you have all objectsa metric on the RHS of the rule, let us getwhile this expects a vbundle, in your case TangentM. This seems to break the curvature tensorscanonicalization algorithm.
Riemann. I can imagine you are interested in this difference, where I already expand the Riemann tensors into derivatives of Christoffels:
Riemanncd[-a, -b, -c, d] - Riemannlc[-a, -b, -c, d] // RiemannToChristoffel
Then you need to impose your rule relating the two Christoffels:
% /. Christoffelcd[a_, -b_, -c_] :> Christoffellc[a, -b, -c] + S[a, -b, -c] // Expand
And simplify a bit:
% // ContractMetric // Simplification
Ricci. We just need to contract two indices:
% delta[-d, b] // ContractMetric // Simplification
Ricci scalar. We need to contract with the metric. I will use the background metric in both cases. Not sure this is what you want/need:
% g[a, c] // ContractMetric // Simplification
In this I'll also expand the Christoffels of the background metric into derivatives of that metric, and finally simplify:
% // ChristoffelToMetric // Simplification
This final result is simple enough that can be copied here. Recall this is the difference of Ricci scalars:
Out[]= (-1 + dim) ((-2 + dim) f[-a] f[a] + PD[-a][f[a]] + f[a] g[c, d] PD[-a][g[-c, -d]] + g[-a, -c] PD[c][f[a]])