It looks like Mathematica is not trying any of the known transformations of the Meijer G-functions.
We can use the second formula on this Wolfram Functions page,
f[t_] = 1/(8 (-1 + E^(2 t)) π^(3/2)) E^t (
MeijerG[{{1/2, 1, 3/2}, {}}, {{3/2}, {}}, -((2 I)/(5 t)), 1/2] +
MeijerG[{{1/2, 1, 3/2}, {}}, {{3/2}, {}}, (2 I)/(5 t), 1/2] -
MeijerG[{{1/2, 1, 3/2}, {}}, {{3/2}, {}}, -((2 I)/(3 t)), 1/2] -
MeijerG[{{1/2, 1, 3/2}, {}}, {{3/2}, {}}, (2 I)/(3 t), 1/2]);
f[t] /. MeijerG[a_, b_, z_, r_] :> MeijerG[1 - b, 1 - a, 1/z, r] //
FullSimplify[#, 0 < t <> 1]0] &
(* E^(-4 t)/4 *)