Another way is to use ParametricPlot
(which will accomplish an equivalent thing via polygons). Here, thickness
adds a multiple th
of the unit normal to the curve. Just pass a thickness function as the parameter th
thickness[f_, th_] := Block[{x}, {x, f} + Normalize[{-D[f, x], 1}] th];
Evaluate@thickness[2 Sin[x], 0.075 (1 + Sin[x]^2) t],
{x, 0, 3 Pi}, {t, -1, 1},
Mesh -> None, BoundaryStyle -> None,
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["BlueGreenYellow"][#2] &)]
This is a nicer interface. You pass the thickness function as an option. The function will have one parameter passed to it, namely the variable var
of the plot.
SetAttributes[thicknessPlot, HoldAll];
Options[thicknessPlot] = {thicknessFunction -> (0.1 &)} ~Join~ Options[ParametricPlot];
thicknessPlot[f_, {var_, v1_, v2_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
With[{thicknessFn = OptionValue[thicknessFunction],
unitN = Block[{var}, Normalize[{-D[f, var], 1}]]},
ParametricPlot[{var, f} + thicknessFn[var] unitN param,
{var, v1, v2}, {param, -1, 1},
Mesh -> (OptionValue[Mesh] /. Automatic -> None),
BoundaryStyle -> (OptionValue[BoundaryStyle] /. Automatic -> None),
Evaluate @ FilterRules[FilterRules[{opts}, Options[ParametricPlot]],
Except[Mesh | BoundaryStyle]]
thicknessPlot[2 Sin[x], {x, 0, 3 Pi},
thicknessFunction -> (0.01 + #/20 &),
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["BlueGreenYellow"][#2] &)]
Note: Adding PlotPoints -> {15, 2}
will speed things up, or if more points are needed for a complicated graph, then something like PlotPoints -> {50, 2}
. Since the formula in ParametricPlot
is a linear function of the thickness parameter param
, two plot points for that dimension will usually be enough.
Also note that if half the thickness exceeds the radius of curvature, the curve will fold over itself. This is a problem with the mathematics, not the code (except that the code implements the mathematics).
thicknessPlot[2 Sin[x], {x, 0, 3 Pi}, thicknessFunction -> (1 &),
PlotPoints -> {15, 2}, ColorFunction -> (Hue[4 #3] &)]