I'm looking for the most elegant way to do this in Mathematica in $O(d)$ time by specializing to the case of convergent matrices. There's a suggestion that this is doable in Section 3 of this paper so I'm lookingThe math for hints on the best way to implement this technique is described (or a cheap alternative) in Mathematica.here
Example below uses generating function approach to evaluate powers of convergent diagonal matrices. It uses approximation below, then calls LaplaceTransform
on integral obtained afterto find IntegrateChangeVariables
$\operatorname{Tr}(A^s)$ when $A$ is diagonal. It relies on following approximation.
$$\sum_i (1-h_i)^s\approx \int_i \exp(-sh_i)$$
It should print
Exact value diag: 0.145584
Integral approximation: 0.148296
symbolic Laplace: 0.148296
Exact value dpr1: 0.528644
Approx value dpr1: dprApprox[5]
d = 5;
h[i_] = i^-1;
hvals = Table[h[i], {i, 1, d}];
diag[s_] := Tr[MatrixPower[DiagonalMatrix[1 - hvals], s]]/d;
diagInt = Inactive[Integrate][Exp[-s h[i]]/d, {i, 1, d}];
(* changes integration limits (a,b) -> (0,\[Infinity]) *)
expandIntegrationLimits[int_] :=
Module[{body, limitSpec, var, limits, newLimitSpec, interval},
(* returns expression that is zero when var is outside of (min,
var) *)
interval[var_, {min_, max_}] =
HeavisideTheta[var - min] - HeavisideTheta[var - max];
Assert[Head[int] == Inactive[Integrate]];
{body, limitSpec} = List @@ int;
{var, limits} = {First[limitSpec], Rest[limitSpec]};
newLimitSpec = {var, 0, \[Infinity]};
Inactive[Integrate][body*interval[var, limits], newLimitSpec]
(* turn into Laplace transform form *)
int = IntegrateChangeVariables[diagInt, hi, hi == h[i]];
int = expandIntegrationLimits[int];
diagApprox[s_] = -LaplaceTransform[First@int/Exp[-hi s], hi, s];
s0 = 5;
Print["Exact value diag: ", diag[s0] // N]
Print["Integral approximation: ",
Activate[diagInt /. {Integrate -> NIntegrate, s -> s0}]]
Print["symbolic Laplace: ", N[diagApprox[s0]]];
(* normalize h to ensure DPR1 matrix is convergent *)
hvals = hvals/Total[hvals];
dpr[s_] :=
DiagonalMatrix[1 - hvals] + {hvals}\[Transpose] . {hvals}, s]]/
s0 = 5;
Print["Exact value dpr1: ", dpr[s0] // N];
Print["Approx value dpr1: ", dprApprox[s0]];
should print
Exact value diag: 0.145584
Integral approximation: 0.148296
symbolic Laplace: 0.148296
Exact value dpr1: 0.528644
Approx value dpr1: dprApprox[5]